中文摘要 |
本文以Barro & Sala-i-Martin新古典成長模型研究1970-1996年台灣各縣市間的農家及農家農業所得差距問題,並與家庭所得和非農家所得相比較。實證結果顯示:各縣市間家庭所得、非農家所得、農家所得、農家農業所得差距有逐漸縮小的趨勢,但至1980年代中期以後,該趨勢逐漸趨緩,而農家農業所得差距更有擴大的趨勢。在農家農業所得成長率迴歸式中,初期農家農業所得、農業依存度、每就業人口政府農業支出、耕地面積的大小均是影響農家農業所得成長的重要因素。然而1980年代中期以後各縣市平均耕地面積的不同並不會影響到它們的農家農業所得成長。因此,增加每就業人口政府農業支出和提高農民專業化程度是平衡各縣市農家農業所得差距與提高農業成長的重要措施。
A modified Barro & Sala-i-Martin’s neoclassical growth model examines the convergence of agricultural income growth across the Taiwan prefectures and cities over the period of 1970-1996. This paper provides clear evidence of β-convergence for per capita income of households, non-farm households, farm households, and per capita agricultural income. The agricultural budget and the degree of agricultural dependency were significant variables in explaining the agricultural income growth. The acreage of farmland was of statistical significance until the mid-1980s. This means that to increase agricultural budget and to encourage full-time farmers are effective policy tools to enhance agricultural income growth, but to enlarge the scale of farms has little effect on nowadays agricultural income growth. |