中文摘要 |
結合Heckscher-Ohlin與Melitz(2003)的模型特性,Bernard et al.(2007)(BRS)指出,在僅有部份生產者出口的前提下,貿易自由化透過要素的重新分配,會改變產業間之相對生產力,進而放大稟賦差異所產生的比較利益,BRS將之稱為放大效果(magnification effect)。然而實證上研究比較利益如何隨時間改變的文獻,有些呈現各國間比較利益逐漸放大,有些呈現逐漸縮小的結果。本文指出,若考量競爭對加價的影響,當兩產業之要素密集度差異低於一門檻值時,此放大效果隨貿易自由化非單調(non-monotonically)地變動,反之則單調(monotonic)地變動。數值例子顯示,若是非單調地變動,在自由化程度較低時,進一步自由化強化放大效果,但在程度較高時,該效果隨自由化減弱,並在市場完全融合後消失;反之則放大效果隨自由化逐漸下降並消失。此結果呼應實證發現分歧的現象。雖然BRS亦隱含放大效果之減弱,但此結果伴隨所有生產者出口以及絕對生產力逐漸下降至封閉水準,不符過往實證之發現,因此作者並未加以討論。本模型可在產生非單調關係的同時,在此兩點上滿足過去實證的結果。
Bernard et al. (2007) (BRS) combine the Heckscher-Ohlin model and the mechanism of Melitz (2003) to show that if not all firms export, trade changes relative industrial productivity and magnifies the Heckscher-Ohlin comparative advantage through factor reallocation. This paper shows that depending on the difference in factor intensity between industries, the magnification effect changes monotonically or non-monotonically with trade liberalization when the mechanism comes from the increase in markup. BRS also mention the possibility of non-monotonicity. However, the decrease in magnification effect accompanies the decrease in industrial productivity and the result that all firms export, which does not coincide with empirical findings. In this paper, the non-monotonicity is not based on firms' export decision, and industrial productivity increases during trade liberalization. The ambiguous relationship between liberalization and comparative advantage also coincides with the recent empirical findings. |