中文摘要 |
Pregnancy is a life experience characterizedby uncertainty. Pregnant women with placentaaccreta who are at risk of pre-mature deliverymay face severe hemorrhage. Their uteri mayneed to be fully removed, costing them theirfertility. If their conditions are improperlymanaged, their lives may be at risk. Inaddition, because their premature infants arenot completely developed, the infants mayface subsequent health problems, creating apsychological burden on the mothers. Thispaper describes the nursing care provided to aprimipara with placenta accreta who deliveredprematurely at 36 weeks and who had toundergo subtotal hysterectomy through Roy´sadaptation model. From February 3 to 6, 2017,the problems encountered by the primiparasuch as pain, physical and mental change, andanxiety, were recorded through direct care,body assessments, observations, conversations,and medical records. The primipara wasinstructed to wear an abdominal pressure beltand divert her attention to alleviate her pain.She was also instructed to self-observe foranomalous signs, thereby improving her selfcareconfidence. The primipara was encouragedto express her concerns about the hysterectomyto alleviate the negative emotions that sheexperienced regarding the changes in her body.The primipara was assisted in performingkangaroo care, holding her premature infant,and improving her caregiving skills to improvethe parent–child relationship and lessen heranxiety. During the care process, the authorfound there was no written education for breastmilk bank. Therefore, it is recommended thatwe need to establish a leaflet for breast milkbank for future patient needs. |