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Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Development Science Plan
作者 李玲玲趙榮台邵廣昭 (Kwang-Tsao Shao)林幸助方國運郭奇芊黃意鈞李芃
聯合國於2005年提出的「千禧年生態系評估」報告指出,全球各類生態系能提供攸關人類福祉的四大類服務,包括:支援、供應、調節、文化等。然而人類為了滿足各類發展需求,以空前的速度與規模改變了各地的生態系,雖然促進了經濟發展,卻也導致生態系服務退化、環境風險升高及貧困程度日益惡化等問題。因此,國際科研組織陸續推展各項計畫,以處理全球生物多樣性喪失、生態系與其服務變遷而影響人類永續發展的複雜科學問題;2014年起,更在既有研究的基礎上,整合相關計畫、方案及倡議,正式啟動以研究全球永續發展為主軸的「未來地球」國際科學合作平台,該平台的全球計畫中亦包括數項與生態系服務相關之研究計畫,期望科學研究能回應政策制定者所需要解決的永續發展議題所需的科學依據,足見生態系服務研究的重要性。台灣的生態系十分多元,這些生態系的健全與其所能提供的服務,攸關我國永續發展。因此,科技部自然司「永續學門」於2013年針對該學門未來研究發展所規劃的七個核心計畫中,即包含了「生態系服務」的主題。本文擬透過回顧國際間此一研究領域之發展,考量該領域在國內發展之現況與需求,提出符合我國國情與需要之生態系服務優先研究課題之建議。 According to “the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment” published by the United Nations in 2005, the global ecosystems can provide four categories of services, i.e. supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural services, which are vital to human welfare. However, ecosystems around the world have been modified at an unprecedented speed and scale to meet the various development needs of mankind. While promoting economic development, these changes have also caused serious degradation of ecosystem service, elevating environmental risk and the extent of poverty, etc. Therefore, international scientific organizations initiated several projects and programmes to deal with the complex issues of impact on sustainable development due to global loss of biodiversity and changes of ecosystem service. In 2014, these research projects and programmes were integrated into “the Future Earth”, which is an international scientific platform aiming to study scientific issues of global sustainable development. The platform's global plans also include a number of research projects associated with ecosystem services, which are expected to provide scientific knowledge to meet the needs of policy makers in addressing the issue of sustainable development. The diverse ecosystems of Taiwan can provide multiple services which are critical to national sustainable development. Therefore, “ecosystem services” was included as one of the seven themes included in the core research programmes of the Department of Natural Science and Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2013. Natural divisions of the Department of science and technology “sustainable” in 2013, according to the school's future in the seven core programmes of research, development and planning, which includes the “ecosystem services” theme. In this article, we provided recommendations on research priorities of ecosystem service that will meet the needs of sustainable development in Taiwan, by recalling the global progress in ecosystem service research, and taking into account the status of relevant research and scientific knowledge needed by the government and societal in this field in Taiwan.
起訖頁 137-152
關鍵詞 生物多樣性生態系服務永續發展核心計畫biodiversitycore research programmesecosystem servicessustainable development
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201811 (21:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 土地資源核心議題──土地系統動態變遷之因果與機制研究
該期刊-下一篇 「氣候變遷災害衝擊之整合性風險治理」永續科學計畫




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