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A Taxonomical Study of the Genus Medicago (Fabaceae) from Mt. Hohuan of Taiwan
作者 何東輯彭鏡毅 (Ching-I Peng)蔣鎮宇 (Chen-Yu Chiang)許再文 (Tsai-Wen Hsu)
苜蓿屬植物為豆科的一個屬共有83-87種。台灣植物誌第二版記載了2歸化種及1栽培種,紀錄上2歸化種皆分布於700m以下的低海拔。本研究報導合歡山區海拔2,500~3,000 m的苜蓿屬植物,共記錄有4歸化種,分別為褐斑苜蓿(Medicago arablca (L.) Huds.)、天藍首宿(M lupulina L.)、小苜蓿(M minima (L.) Bartal.)與苜蓿(M polymorpha L.),其中褐斑苜蓿與小苜蓿為台灣新歸化種。本文提供合歡山區所產野生苜蓿屬的檢索表,新歸化種素描圖,4歸化種的描述、分布及彩色照片。
The genus Medicago (Fabaceae) comprises 83 to 87 species in the world, of which three species have been reported from Taiwan. These are Medicago lupulina L. and Medicago polymorpha L, two naturalized species to the northern Taiwan at elevations below 700 m, and Medicago sativa L, a cultivated species. We conducted a field survey of Medicago at Mt. Hohuan of Taiwan at elevations between 2,500 m to 3,000 m. Four weedy species were found, namely Medicago lupulina, M polymorpha, M arabica (L.) Huds., and M minima (L.) Bartal., Among them M arabica and M minima are new records to the flora of Taiwan. This paper briefly describes the four species with a key to the species, their photographs, and draws of two newly recorded species for aiding in identification.
起訖頁 333-344
關鍵詞 豆科苜蓿屬褐斑苜蓿小苜蓿新紀錄台灣FabaceaeMedicagoMedicago arabicaMedicago minimanew recordsTaiwan
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201110 (13:4期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 離體實驗研究鹿科動物萊氏細胞睪酮之生產
該期刊-下一篇 台灣旋花科之新歸化植物─蔓生菜欒藤




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