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聚合性單寧酸對圈養台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)消化生理之影響
Effects of Condensed Tannins on Digestive Physiology of the Captive Taiwanese Macaques (Macaca cyclopis)
作者 賴均銘林美峰張誌益蘇秀慧
植物之化學成分可能影響植食動物之消化生理,進而影響其取食模式及覓食策略,故了解動物消化生理反應與植物次級化合物(secondary compound)之相關性,是研究其覓食策略之重要基礎。本研究檢視聚合性單寧酸對台灣獼猴消化生理之影響,將有助於了解植物化學成分與其覓食策略之關係。利用在餵食食物中添加食物乾物質重3%及6%之白堅木(quebracho)粉末(含聚合性單寧酸達76.5 mg/g DM),量測受試圈養台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)之進食量、腸道滯留時間、表面消化率等消化生理數值,以及聚合性單寧酸回收率。排遺分析所得聚合性單寧酸回收率均高於90%,攝入較高濃度聚合性單寧酸顯著降低台灣獼猴之進食量,但對食物腸道滯留時間並無顯著影響,此外,食物之聚合性單寧酸含量對台灣獼猴之乾物質及蛋白質消化率有顯著影響。研究結果顯示,台灣獼猴無法降解或分解聚合性單寧酸,而其消化生理受聚合性單寧酸之顯著影響,故植物所含聚合性單寧酸濃度是影響台灣獼猴覓食策略因素之一。
Chemical components of plants may affect digestive physiology of herbivores, which in turn, set constraints on their feeding patterns and feeding strategies. Therefore, information on the effects may reveal the feeding strategies. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of condensed tannins on digestive physiology of the Taiwanese macaque (Macaca cyclopis) and to determine whether this secondary metabolite of plants affects its feeding strategy. Captive macaques were fed with food added with 3% and 6% Quebracho powder as the condensed tannin. We found that the recovery rate of the ingested condensed tannin was over 90%, and the ingestion significantly reduced the amount of the food intake and digestibility of its dry matter and protein. The results suggested that the digestive physiology of the Taiwanese macaque is compromised by condensed tannins in its food, and thus, this secondary compound of plants may constrain its feeding strategy.
起訖頁 213-223
關鍵詞 植食單寧消化生理覓食策略台灣獼猴herbivorytannindigestive physiologyfeeding strategyMacaca cyclopis
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201107 (13:3期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣產盤腸溞科(甲殼動物亞門,鰓足綱,枝角目)
該期刊-下一篇 溫度與缺水效應對史丹吉氏小雨蛙蝌蚪存活與發育之影響




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