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The Artistic Creation of Sun Qiao’s Essay Writings and His Theoretical Concepts
作者 李偉
As one of the representative writers of “Hanmen” ancient style proses in the late Tang Dynasty, the writing style of Sun Qiao combined the transformation of the intellectual characteristics of his times, which was based on the 'spirit of the poor' embodied in the social-upward approach through the civil service examinations of the “literati in poverty,” with the inherited positive and enterprising spirit of the Confucianism. This article intends to study Sun’s artistic pursuit of the 'Wen Qiqi and Li Zheng' styles. It is found that Sun Qiao paid a lot of attention to the complementary creative experience of the paralleled proses and ancient style proses. On one hand, Sun employed the ancient style prose into his paralleled prose writing, to break through the barriers between the traditional paralleled prose writing styles with the exquisite artistic conception of ancient style proses, so as to embody the artistic approach of 'profound meaning must be recondite.' On the other hand, he boldly absorbed the characteristics of rhyming from the paralleled proses, and applies it to his writing of ancient style proses. Therefore, the significances of Sun Qiao’s painstaking efforts of creative thinking and artistic pursuit should be fully recognized.
起訖頁 55-83
關鍵詞 孫樵古文駢文文道關係Sun Qiaoancient style proseparalleled proserelationship between literary and “Dao”
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201806 (35期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 魯迅與文學革命/五四文學
該期刊-下一篇 前衛文類的歷史軌跡:反思「台灣後現代小說」的西方根源與在地實踐




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