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An Optimization Model for Crew Assignment to Occupational Safety and Health Inspection |
作者 |
顏上堯、黃紹凱、王俊懿 |
中文摘要 |
隨著員工個人承擔之平均業務量的增加,國內公司在進行規劃職業安全衛生查核編組時,常因配合計畫專業項目需求及人員變動等因素影響造成編排不易。另外,實務上人工作業的耗費時間較長,且易產生疏漏而指派不均等問題。本研究針對國內某電力公司之職安查核作業與人力現況為例,在考量相關限制條件,並以查核人員指派次數最大者最小化為目標,同時兼顧人員指派之公平性及有效性下,應用數學規劃理論建立一最佳化模式,並使用LINGO 12.0版數學規劃套裝軟體求解模式,以幫助決策者進行查核人員編組作業。為測試模式的績效,本研究進行一範例測試,並與人工經驗的作法進行比較,結果良好且可有效改善人工經驗作法的缺點。本研究亦進行數個參數敏感度/方案分析,此等結果皆可為決策者未來進行職安查核人員指派之參考。
With an increasing work loading on staff, domestic corporations generally find it difficult to construct their occupational safety and health inspection plans with frequent changes of personnel and professional requirements in audit. In addition, there are many shortcomings in manual assignment in practice, such as time-consuming and unfair crew assignment, and so on. Focusing on the occupational safety and health inspection of a domestic electric power company with its current manpower supply, this study applies the integer programming technique to construct a model, which can be solved using LINGO 12.0, by considering related constraints and the objective of minimizing the maximum number of assignments among inspection staff that can simultaneously ensure the fairness and effectiveness of crew assignment. To preliminarily evaluate the model in practice, we perform a case study using real operating data from the electric power company. The results are compared with those from manual assignment to demonstrate the superiority of the model and how it can be an effective improvement over the manual approach with its shortcomings. This study also carries out several parameters sensitivity/case analyses. All of these can be useful references for decision makers to make their occupational safety and health inspection plans. |
英文摘要 |
With an increasing work loading on staff, domestic corporations generally find it difficult to construct their occupational safety and health inspection plans with frequent changes of personnel and professional requirements in audit. In addition, there are many shortcomings in manual assignment in practice, such as time-consuming and unfair crew assignment, and so on. Focusing on the occupational safety and health inspection of a domestic electric power company with its current manpower supply, this study applies the integer programming technique to construct a model, which can be solved using LINGO 12.0, by considering related constraints and the objective of minimizing the maximum number of assignments among inspection staff that can simultaneously ensure the fairness and effectiveness of crew assignment. To preliminarily evaluate the model in practice, we perform a case study using real operating data from the electric power company. The results are compared with those from manual assignment to demonstrate the superiority of the model and how it can be an effective improvement over the manual approach with its shortcomings. This study also carries out several parameters sensitivity/case analyses. All of these can be useful references for decision makers to make their occupational safety and health inspection plans. |
起訖頁 |
173-190 |
關鍵詞 |
職業安全衛生查核、人員指派、整數規劃、最佳化、occupational safety and health inspection、crew assignment、integer programming、optimization |
刊名 |
技術學刊 |
期數 |
201809 (33:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
A Vulnerability Propagation Model of Distributed Virtualized Systems Based on Epidemic Model |