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A Pilot Study of Summer Bridge Programs for Incoming Freshmen on the performance in later semesters
作者 王慧敏 (WANG Hui-min)魏上淩陳虹伶
本研究旨在探討國內外大學針對準大一生夏季橋接課程的內涵、具體作法及實施成效,並以某大學103學年修習「商用數學(一)」夏季橋接課程以及104學年修習「商用數學(一)」、「國際文化英語訓練」、「初級日語(一)」的夏季橋接課程準大一生為研究對象,分析其在大一與大二修習課程的必修課程成績、班級成績排名、與日後修習課程表現之關係以及對在學率的影響。研究結果顯示,103學年參加夏季橋接課程的準大一生在其後大一、大二的四個學期成績表現優於未參加者,104學年參加夏季橋接課程的準大一生在其後大一的成績表現亦優於未參加者。修讀夏季橋接課程與日後修習課程的成效關係方面,透過固定效果模型分析,結果顯示曾選修夏季橋接課程對日後研修其它課程有正向影響,並且夏季橋接課程修課成績愈高,其它課程的學習亦有愈好的成績表現。在持續在學率方面,除了參加103學年夏季橋接課程的學員中有一位學生於日後退學外,103、104學年參加夏季橋接課程的學員其日後退學率則低於全校退學率,反之有較高的持續在學率。最後,本研究針對準大一生先修大學課程提出具體整體規劃,以及未來進一步研究的建議。 The purposes of this study were to explore the contents, practices and outcomes of Summer Bridge Program for incoming freshman. The objects were incoming freshmen who took the course of Business Mathematics(1) in 2014 summer, and incoming freshmen who took the courses of “Business Mathematics(1) ”, “International Cultural Training”, “Basic Japanese(1) ” in 2015 summer. Analyzing the academic performance and retention rate during the first and second year after the program, the results revealed that the academic performance of the students were better than the control group, and had positive impact on academic achievement in the future. Finally, the benefits of high retention rate were found in the next four semesters for 2014 summer college students except one student dropout and 100% of the 2015 summer college students persisted into their third semester.
The purposes of this study were to explore the contents, practices and outcomes of Summer Bridge Program for incoming freshman. The objects were incoming freshmen who took the course of Business Mathematics(1) in 2014 summer, and incoming freshmen who took the courses of “Business Mathematics(1) ”, “International Cultural Training”, “Basic Japanese(1) ” in 2015 summer. Analyzing the academic performance and retention rate during the first and second year after the program, the results revealed that the academic performance of the students were better than the control group, and had positive impact on academic achievement in the future. Finally, the benefits of high retention rate were found in the next four semesters for 2014 summer college students except one student dropout and 100% of the 2015 summer college students persisted into their third semester.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 準大一生夏季橋接課程持續在學率incoming freshmansummer bridge programretention rate
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201807 (15期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-下一篇 戲劇治療在悲傷輔導工作的運用──以新移民家庭青年的生命故事為例




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