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Group Home Service Model for the Elderly with Dementia: Lessons from Japan’s Experience
作者 劉家勇施秋蘭
本文藉由介紹團體家屋—為失智症長輩新型態的居住安排選擇模式,並以日本團體家屋的發展及相關重點為例,透過作者實地參訪的資料蒐集和整理,說明團體家屋在環境設施的設計上,及其經營規劃上的特點,冀望能對我國失智症長輩的居住安排,提供另一種不同的選擇。研究方法以文獻分析為主,輔以作者參訪日本數家機構的經驗,以觀察法記錄其環境設施,輔以非結構式訪談蒐集經營規劃上的重點。研究結果顯示,日本失智症團體家屋的服務模式,型態雖然多元,但在軟硬體設施及經營規劃上,皆致力於「以人為中心」的全方位照護提供。未來因應失智症老人的增加及照顧的需求,運用團體家屋的服務模式,值得我國未來之參考。 This article introduces the group home, which is an alternative choice for the elderly people with dementia, illustrates the cases in Japan for analysing its features in service provision and development management. In accordance with the author’s practical visiting, both literature and empirical data were collected in Japan. In addition, I adopt the observation and unstructured interview methods to collect relevant data for analysing the service model of group home in Japan. The results show that there are numerous and diverse service models for group homes in Japan. However, they have a common idea, which emphasises on the human-centered concept, provides miscellaneous services. Through managemental strategies coordinating the facilities and services, group homes for the dementia elderly are able to provide numerous kinds of services in correspondence to the diverse conditions in different places. Either in metropolitan area or suburb, group home can be set for dealing with various needs of the elderly with dementia.
This article introduces the group home, which is an alternative choice for the elderly people with dementia, illustrates the cases in Japan for analysing its features in service provision and development management. In accordance with the author’s practical visiting, both literature and empirical data were collected in Japan. In addition, I adopt the observation and unstructured interview methods to collect relevant data for analysing the service model of group home in Japan. The results show that there are numerous and diverse service models for group homes in Japan. However, they have a common idea, which emphasises on the human-centered concept, provides miscellaneous services. Through managemental strategies coordinating the facilities and services, group homes for the dementia elderly are able to provide numerous kinds of services in correspondence to the diverse conditions in different places. Either in metropolitan area or suburb, group home can be set for dealing with various needs of the elderly with dementia.
起訖頁 53-65
關鍵詞 失智症團體家屋日本dementiagroup homeJapan
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201805 (22:1期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 影響長期照顧十年計畫照管專員核定居家服務時數之因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 照顧一位庫賈氏病個案居家照護經驗




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