中文摘要 |
臺灣為全球人口老化相當快速的國家之一,2018年3月底65歲以上人口比例正式超過14%進入高齡社會,而國家發展委員會預估在2026年老年人口將會超過20%進入超高齡社會;臺灣從高齡社會轉化成超高齡社會僅需8年的時間,已遠遠超過其他國家的速度。為因應長者人口增加帶來的衝擊,許多長照服務因應而生。但過去在服務提供過程中常出現機構彼此之間協調不順利、服務效率不彰的情況,而臺灣於2017年開始推動長照2.0政策,當中一項服務:社區整體照顧模式,即是期待透過整合的模式將不同機構間服務相互串聯,並且讓不同機構間相互合作以提供給民眾完整的服務。因此,本文將簡介世界衛生組織及學者所提出的長照整合機制,期待透過這些機制的建立能改善其困境,而主要的四大整合機制為:(1)組織間的管理(Inter-entity organization and management);(2)個案管理(Coordination of care);(3)整合資訊系統(Integrated information systems);(4)財務的整合(Integrated financing)。因此,若能透過文獻中提及之長照整合機制檢視目前長照2.0之整合狀況,相信必能做為未來長照政策參考及修改依據。
Taiwan is one of the fastest aging countries in the world: it is estimated that the proportion of the population made up of people older than 65 years will increase from 14% in 2018 to 20% in 2026 only need 8 years. The needs for LTC services in Taiwan are increasing rapidly due to a fast aging population. However, The LTC services in Taiwan have been criticized for low services and low communicating between agencies. In 2017, Taiwan’s LTC plan version 2.0 began a new era with its goal of integrating Taiwan’s fragmented LTC service system. The LTC Plan 2.0 aims to establish an integrated community-based LTC system and provide integrated LTC services. Therefore, the current paper introduces the fundamental mechanisms for LTC integration, which is generally summarized into four key integration strategies: (1) Inter-entity organization and management, (2) Coordination of care, (3) Integrated information systems and (4) Integrated financing. We expect the key integration strategies shared in the current paper will shed some light on overcoming challenges to developing and providing integrated LTC service system in Taiwan. |
英文摘要 |
Taiwan is one of the fastest aging countries in the world: it is estimated that the proportion of the population made up of people older than 65 years will increase from 14% in 2018 to 20% in 2026 only need 8 years. The needs for LTC services in Taiwan are increasing rapidly due to a fast aging population. However, The LTC services in Taiwan have been criticized for low services and low communicating between agencies. In 2017, Taiwan’s LTC plan version 2.0 began a new era with its goal of integrating Taiwan’s fragmented LTC service system. The LTC Plan 2.0 aims to establish an integrated community-based LTC system and provide integrated LTC services. Therefore, the current paper introduces the fundamental mechanisms for LTC integration, which is generally summarized into four key integration strategies: (1) Inter-entity organization and management, (2) Coordination of care, (3) Integrated information systems and (4) Integrated financing. We expect the key integration strategies shared in the current paper will shed some light on overcoming challenges to developing and providing integrated LTC service system in Taiwan. |