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Showing Buddha-nature, Holding the Blue Lotus: Research on Writings regarding Religious Efficacy by Chanter Dokutan, the Fourth Patriarch of Obaku Zen
作者 劉家幸
成於明末崇禎年間高僧隱元隆琦(1592-1673)之手的黃檗宗,可謂近世中日文化交流最重要的媒介之一。本文欲以隱元隆琦門下白眉、黃檗第四代付法傳人獨湛性瑩(1628-1706)為研究對象,通過其董席濱松初山寶林寺(今日本靜岡縣濱松市)時期,所撰成的詩文、筆記作品和語錄等文獻材料,就其纂輯中日靈驗故事與親身應驗之經歷加以檢視,並就其身處民間與金指百姓互動之下所呈現的異國認識,冀能對獨湛性瑩在日傳法活動之實態,有更具體而微的觀照。 Ōbaku Zen, which was founded by the eminent monk, Ingen Ryuuki(1592-1673), during the Chongzhen period of the late Ming dynasty, was one of the most crucial mediums for intercultural exchange between early modern China and Japan. This article has selected the chanter Dokutan Shoukei(1628-1706), the brilliant disciple of Ingen Ryuuki and fourth patriarch of Ōbaku Zen, as a research subject and bases its analysis on the poems and prose, written notes, quotations and other documents he compiled during his tenure as abbot of Shousan Hourin-ji (a temple located in current Hamamatsushi, Shitsuoka-ken, Japan). I aim to survey the Chinese and Japanese stories collected by Dokutan Shoukei as well as his personal experiences regarding religious “efficacy.” Additionally, considering his foreign observations concerning interactions with the folklife of Kanasashi, this article sketchs an outline regarding his missionary activities in Japan.
起訖頁 39-71
關鍵詞 東亞佛教黃檗宗獨湛性瑩靈驗記淨土書寫East Asian BuddhismObaku ZenDokutan ShoukeiMiracle TalesPure Land Writings
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201812 (36:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 山水.感通.道德──「樂山」與「樂水」的審美秩序在孔孟荀思想中的建構、繼承與開展
該期刊-下一篇 「香、禪、詩」的初會──從北宋黃庭堅到日本室町時代「山谷抄」




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