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Dao, Technê and Cultivating Life: Following Cook Ding's Lead
作者 張忠宏
本文主張,莊子的「養生」是涵養生命之意,因此它的養生觀包含養親的要求。「庖丁解牛」不是寓言,而是莊子舉例說明技藝在生命之涵養中扮演了什麼樣的角色。技藝的重要性,不在於它能帶來心流經驗,而在於它能將世界揭露為豐富多元、且可悠遊徜徉的場域。欲得養生,就必須擁有良好的技藝,包括與父母相處、將父母揭露為相互成全、攜手共遊的養親技藝。基於這樣一種養生觀,莊子雖然高度重視人倫的要求,認為得道者必能養親,卻並未進一步進行倫理學與政治哲學思考。 According to Zhuangzi, the meaning of Yang-Sheng is all about life-cultivation. This can be seen from the fact that it is one of Yang-Sheng's requirements to keep good company with one's parents. The story of Cook Ding, as presented in the book by Zhuangzi, is meant to provide an insight into the importance of technê in life. To put it briefly, technê is important not because it can bring about flow experience, but because it can reveal the world as one in which one can wander about and be playful with valuable things in multiple dimensions. Thus, it is a necessary condition for anyone who wants to cultivate the meaning of life to be able to master at least some skills, especially the ones involved in keeping good company with one's parents. As a consequence, Zhuangzi is quite successful at giving a daoist twist to filial obedience, though he confines himself not to pursue further ethical and/or political theorizations.
起訖頁 81-122
關鍵詞 養生道家倫理學道家人文精神Daotechnêlife-cultivatingdaoist ethicsdaoist humanism
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201410 (48期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 方以智論莊子的消遙遊
該期刊-下一篇 語意理論與可及原則




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