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A Study of Taiwanese Suffixed Words with Syllable-final Stops
作者 林秉宥
本文主要研究台語塞音尾後綴詞「盒仔」、「賊仔」、「竹仔」的語音表徵問題。文獻中最常被提到的兩個音韻衍生規則是「元音問輔音濁化規則」(intervocalic voicing)及「重複音段規則」(gemination)。然而本文對這兩規則在應用面及聲學的論據方面提出質疑,繼而提出「xx- 空缺」架構(Lin, 2006, 2013)來分析此問題。結論有三:第一、「元音間輔音濁化規則」無法將一個音位同化為另一個不同的音位;第二、台語音節尾塞音的底層結構是濁塞音,非清塞音;第三、「盒仔」、「賊仔」、「竹仔」三詞彙是透過雙向擴散(非重複音段規則的右向擴散)來填補兩音節中間的過渡音xx- 空缺(非卡單一的x- 空缺),最後則衍生出表層形式的[abbaa], [tshaddaa], [tiggaa](而非[ab.ba], [tshal.la], [tig.ga])。 This study attempts to investigate the phonetic realization of Taiwanese suffixation with syllable-final stops, i.e., ap.a 'box', tshat.a 'thief' and tik.a 'bamboo'. Two phonological rules are used to derive the phonetic forms: First, the intervocalic voicing rule, which transforms syllable-final stops from voiceless to voiced. Second, the gemination rule that is applied to produce an additional consonant as the transition sound to fulfill the preferred CV syllable template. This paper argues against the application of both rules and utilizes the xx-slots framework (Lin, 2006, 2013) for analysis, and emphasizes a transition sound xx-slots occurring in the morpheme boundary, which has been rarely discussed in previous research. This paper has the following three findings: First, the intervocalic voicing rule may not assimilate a phoneme into a sound which belongs to another phoneme. Second, the underlying representations of the Taiwanese syllable-final stops are voiced, not voiceless. Third, the phonetic forms of the three words are generated from the basic forms of /ab.a/ 'box', /tshad.a/ 'thief' and /tig.a/ 'bamboo' by means of the bidirectional spreading in order to fulfill the xx-slots. As a result, the phonetic forms of [abbaa], [tshaddaa], and [tiggaa] are eventually surfaced.
起訖頁 147-171
關鍵詞 詞綴音韻學「xx- 空缺」架構過渡音元音間輔音濁化規則重複音段規則affixal phonologyxx-slots frameworktransition soundintervocalic voicing rulegemination
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 201208 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從巴黎到京都:論史考特《我的巴黎》、朱天心《古都》中的互文性斷裂與歷史幽魂




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