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A Study of the Changes for Spatial Distribution of Population and Industry Along The Freeway System - the Case Study of Taiwan
作者 白仁德
高速公路建設對國土與地區之發展始終扮演著重要的角色,因其改變區域間的可及性與易行性,可能對區域間之人口與產業,產生不同程度的正負面影響。本研究以1976至2010年間,國內興建的九條高速公路系統為研究主軸,利用台灣城際運輸系統需求模式(TMD2008)之旅行時間資料、內政部戶口普查及工商普查資料為基礎,並以事前事後比較分析、空間自相關分析,探討歷年高速公路系統建設對於沿線地區人口、產業及交通可及性之空間分布變化影響,並建立迴歸模型以探討高速公路系統建設對沿線地區人口及產業間分布的模型。研究結果發現高速公路建設對全台城際運輸與區域空間互動關係有明顯之貢獻,早期對於台灣西部走廊高速公路沿線人口、產業發展在空間上聚集有較具有明顯的催化效果,然而隨著高速公路路網建設漸趨完備,普遍提升沿線地區各空間單元的交通可及性,此一效果趨弱,且伴隨著出現向人口及產業朝向北部聚集的現象。 Highway infrastructure investments play an important role in national and regional development. It changes the inter-regional accessibility and mobility, henceforth to produce some effect on the re-distribution of population the industry. There were nine highway systems had been built in Taiwan, from 1976 to 2010. Thus, this study adopts before-after analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis to compare the spatial distribution changes of population, industry and accessibility along highway systems, by utilizing demographic data, census data and TDM2008 travel time database of that period. The spatial model was built to verify and describe the related spatial relation effects caused by accessibility. Research results find the significant catalyst effect for the population and industry developments agglomeration along freeway system in earlier stage. As the more complete the freeway system was built, the effect become unsignificant, the polarization phenomena toward northern region accompanied with the accessibility of all spatial units were increased universally.
起訖頁 21-46
關鍵詞 引力模型空間自相關分析高速公路Freeway SystemGravity ModelSpatial Autocorrelation Analysis
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201511 (18:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 應用克利金法輔助地價區段劃設之研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣綠色成長檢視──應用OECD綠色成長監測指標系統




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