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The Political and Economic Structural Analysis of Urban Politics and Urban Planning—Case Study of the Tree Valley Estate of the Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park
作者 鍾麗娜徐世榮
在台灣,最重要的空間形塑主體是政府。政府形塑空間的理念與實踐的手段,乃是展現在它所制定的相關土地政策之上,在這些政策中,都市計畫之擬訂與實施是政府對於都會地區空間塑造較具有影響力的手段之一。唯此空間塑造並非是處於真空的狀態,它充滿了政治、經濟、利益等複雜及糾葛因素,很值得予以剖析。爰此,本文藉由都市政治之理論分析架構,並以南科樹谷園區報編開發案為例,探究地方、中央政府與資本利益團體等如何透過都市計畫的手段,操控地方空間資源的分配與消費,及其各行動主體間之互動關係與權力結構問題,並進一步審視現行土地政策執行之困境。 In Taiwan, the state plays the most important role in shaping the development of urban space. The state owns relative autonomous power, and it employs powerful land use policies to shape urban space. Among them, urban planning is one of the most specific and prominent means used by the state. It is important to note the intention, design, and implementation of urban planning is definitely not in a vacuum condition. It is full of politic, economic and interest considerations, not solely decided by planning experts or bureaucratic administrators. This is the valuable reason to explore and understand it. Accordingly, this paper discusses the theoretical framework of urban politics and takes the Tree Valley Estate located within the Tainan Science-Based Industrial Parkas a good example for study. Interactive relations and power structure among local government, central government, and interest groups are detail investigated. The ways that they manipulate the distribution and consumption of urban space are also examined. The paper will also show that it is because of the unequal power structure which creates the dilemmas of land use policy in Taiwan.
起訖頁 63-87
關鍵詞 成長機器都市政權權力結構台南科學園區樹谷園區Growth MachineUrban RegimePower StructureTree Valley EstateTainan Science-Based Industrial Park
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201311 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 玉山國家公園景觀變遷的驅動機制剖析
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市財產稅公平性之研究




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