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Valuation of Wetland and Landscape for Terraced Paddy Conservation: The Case of New Taipei City and Hualien County
作者 洪鴻智李承嘉詹士樑林華慶蕭婷允文嬿翔
水梯田因喪失農業生產競爭力與勞動力缺乏,漸從糧食生產退位,惟其蘊含的濕地生態與文化景觀功能開始受到關注。本文應用條件評價法,從農業多功能角度,評估水梯田具有的濕地生態與景觀價值,及解釋重要影響因素。透過新北市與花蓮縣居民的調查發現,受訪者認為水梯田保育具有的農業多功能性非常重要,且認為水梯田保育對於個人、社區與後代皆有顯著效益。影響受訪者付費保育水梯田意願的主要因素,為受訪者對於水梯田的認識、對水梯田濕地生態景觀價值認同、對於水梯田保育滿意度,及所得、教育程度、性別、年齡與居住區位。另估計結果顯示受訪者保育水梯田平均每年願付價格為318元,估計每年總效益約5億1,360萬元,此等發現可提供水梯田保育嶄新的政策思考方向。 The functions of wetland and landscape feature with terraced paddies have received more attentions, while many of terraced paddies have been abandoned due to loss of competitiveness in agricultural production and shortage of laborers. In a view of multifunctional agriculture, this article aims to assess the values of wetland and landscape associated with terraced paddies conservation using a contingent valuation method. Through a case study in New Taipei City and Hualien County, the evidence indicates that most residents recognized the importance of multifunctional agriculture and social benefits provided by terraced paddies. Findings also show that the determinates of residents’ willingness to pay for terraced paddies conservation are the levels of understanding and recognition of wetland and landscape values associated with terraced paddies, as well as residents’ income, age, sex, education levels and residential location. The estimated willingness to pay for each household to sustain terraced paddies on wetland and landscape preservation functions is on annual average about NT$ 318, and about NT$ 0.51 billion in total. These findings will provide a novel direction for existing agricultural management policy in preserving terraced paddies.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 水梯田濕地景觀條件評價法生態服務給付農業多功能性Terraced paddyWetlandLandscapeContingent valuation methodPayment for ecological servicesMultifunctional agriculture
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201311 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-下一篇 玉山國家公園景觀變遷的驅動機制剖析




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