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The Accuracy of Land Revision Survey with Virtual Base Stations RTK
作者 何維信詹君正
內政部國土測繪中心為擴大RTK有效作業範圍,同時降低主站布設密度,透過網際網路高速、寬頻之數據傳輸技術,建置完成全國性電子化衛星定位測量基準網(e-GPS),就其連續定位觀測資料,建構區域性定位誤差內插模式,並配合虛擬基準站(Virtual Base Station,VBS)即時動態定位技術(Real-Time Kinematic, RTK)(簡稱VBS-RTK),獲得高精度的定位成果,提供多目標定位服務及加值應用。本文利用e-GPS衛星定位基準站即時動態定位系統北區服務網為基準網,探討以VBS-RTK定位技術應用於圖根測量及直接辦理土地複丈之可行性。首先檢核實驗區內控制點與圖根點成果發現,縱坐標(N)較差絕對值之平均值為1.9公分,橫坐標(E)較差平均值為2.0公分。經分析,本實驗區之VBS-RTK測量成果與原坐標成果間有系統誤差存在,透過六參數轉換後,其坐標較差值均符合圖根點測量規範。其次,以VBS-RTK直接辦理土地複丈,其界址點坐標成果較差亦均符合界址點位置檢查與原坐標值之較差不得超過6公分之規定。 For extending the effective range and decreasing the density of base stations, National Land surveying and Mapping Center, Ministry of Interior in Taiwan had built up an e-GPS base stations network in 2006. In order to obtain high precision results of positioning and provide multi-goals service, this system is also involved regional position error interpolation and Virtual Base Station (VBS) technique. The discussions of supplementary control survey and land revision survey with VBSRTK technique will be conducted in this issue. Firstly, the all 4th and higher order control points and the traverse points located at the research area were examined with VBS-RTK technique. The results were compared with the original data. The compared results have shown that the average differences of absolute value are 1.9cm in N-axis and 2.0cm in E-axis respectively. After either 4 or 6 parameters transformation, the results have shown that errors of all control points and traverse points are obeyed the stipulation of rules. Secondly, the land revision survey was implemented with VBS-RTK technique. The errors of all boundary points were less than 6cm and also obeyed the stipulation of rules.
起訖頁 79-100
關鍵詞 e-GPS 衛星定位基準站即時性動態定位虛擬基準站e-GPSReal-Time Kinematic (RTK)Virtual Base Station (VBS)
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201011 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 土地增值稅與資本利得稅之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 鄉村仕紳化——以宜蘭縣三星鄉三個村為例




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