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3D Building Modeling and Applications Based on Floor Plans of Buildings
作者 江渾欽
建物測量是政府部門在現行法令及業務職掌中,唯一辦理建物平面與位置圖資測繪之作業。如何有效利用現行「建物測量系統」運作機制,透過既有的建築物繪製成果來建立建物測量成果立體化圖資,以三維圖形技術應用在空間資訊領域,提供積極創新、高效率的地政便民服務,是迫切需要深入探討的課題。建物測量成果立體圖資具有高精度之建物平面與位置資訊,可以加值應用在戶政門牌、建築管理、景觀規劃……等領域,是未來的都市管理不可或缺的重要資訊。本文將從法規、行政流程、軟體技術等方面著手,深入剖析現行建物測量成果資料如何因應3D地理資訊這波熱潮,以及未來的發展方向,並舉實作應用例驗證其可行。 Building survey is the only government survey that includes building surface and cadastral location mapping information based on current laws and regulations. Adopting the current “building survey system” into the existing building mapping information with 3D mapping technical application in spatial information field to establish building survey 3D drawing information is an urgent topic. Furthermore, the provision of a positive, creative, and effective land administration service needs to be discussed and analyzed. Building survey 3D mapping information contains accurate building surface and location information. It could be used for building administration, landscape planning, and household administration, etc. Thus this information is crucial for future urban administration. This article analyzes the coordination of the current building survey information with 3D geographic information for future application from the perspectives of laws and regulations, administrative process, and software technology. Real case studies are also provided.
起訖頁 31-53
關鍵詞 建物測量建物測量成果圖建物平面圖樓層平面圖Building SurveyResult Map of Building SurveyPlane Map of BuildingFloor Surface Mapping
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200905 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 農地違規使用管理簽約外包之研究
該期刊-下一篇 鄉村地區生活品質評量之研究




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