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Design and Application of A Planning Model for Regional Cooperation: A Case Study of Eastern Taiwan Region
作者 林楨家劉昱宏
本研究根據日本國土規劃提出的「地域連攜」發展概念,設計地域連攜規劃模式,作為區域規劃的分析工具。模式由兩個次模式組成,上階段次模式為「生活機能評估次模式」,採用灰色多準則評估方法對各鄉鎮市進行各面向生活機能之相對優劣分析;下階段次模式為「連攜地域劃設次模式」,依據上階段次模式之評估結果,使用灰色多目標0-1規劃模式,探討區域內各鄉鎮市間最具發展效益的合作組合。本研究並將模式應用於台灣東部區域之實例分析,獲致以下發現:(1)東部區域現階段生活圈劃設並未達到聚集與互補發展的最佳效益,應適當地進行調整;(2)模式之輸入與輸出均為灰數,可處理資訊不明確的規劃情境,並維持規劃成果之彈性;以及(3)模式成果可作為區域計畫之生活圈劃設、地方運輸路網建構、公共設施與公用設備網絡配置與改善等規劃作業參考。 Based on the regional cooperation concept in Japan National Land Plan, this study developed a regional cooperation planning model (RCPM) for regional planners and researchers. There are two sub-models in RCPM. The first sub-model is local service evaluation model (LSEM), which employs grey multiple criteria evaluation approach to assessing local services for each village or town. The seconds sub-model is cooperation mate decision model (CMDM), which applies grey multiple objective 0-1 programming to determine the best cooperation mate for all villages and towns. The RCPM was applied to the Eastern Taiwan Region and generated the following outcomes. First, the current division of Living Perimeters in Eastern Taiwan Region has not reached the benefits of aggregation and complement and should be adjusted according to the analysis results of this study. Second, since RCPM uses grey numbers to display input data and research findings, it provides the flexibility of planning and deals with uncertainties in practical planning tasks. Finally, the modeling results contribute to regional land use planning, transportation planning, and public facility planning.
起訖頁 61-104
關鍵詞 地域連攜多準則評估數學規劃灰色理論區域規劃Regional CooperationMultiple Criteria EvaluationMathematical ProgrammingGrey TheoryRegional Planning
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200811 (11:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 環境治理機制之初探:以臺北水源特定區範圍劃定為例
該期刊-下一篇 家戶住宅消費調整選擇行為之研究──台灣地區擁屋家戶的實證分析




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