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The Cross-Strait Ceramic Building Material Production Network- A Market-Driven Production Network
作者 金家禾陳均泓
於跨界經濟活動日益頻繁之時代背景下,台灣與中國大陸兩個經濟體也在全球化之作用下,進行生產分工,此發展趨勢不但對台灣經濟結構產生重組之效果,也為台灣及大陸兩地經濟體帶來新的規模向度及發展機會。本文以屬於內需型產業之建築陶瓷材料產業為對象,探討於其跨兩岸生產網絡發展之過程中,所呈現之互動學習、生產空間再領域化與權力結構變化等內涵。本文論述此跨兩岸生產網絡之發展主要是由市場力量所驅動,快速成長之市場吸引著兩岸廠商結合其各自擁有之資產,建構跨界之生產網絡,以拓展市場占有率。同時,此跨界生產網絡之運作(組織安排與治理)也影響著在地之制度調整;而全球生產網絡之分析架構比全球商品鏈之架構更適宜用來分析此跨界生產網絡之發展過程。 In the era of a huge amount of economic activities occurring across national borders, Taiwan and China have undertaken some form of labor division and economic cooperation. The development of cross-border production networks not only influences the restructuring of Taiwanese economy but also brings new development sacle and opportunities to both sides of the Strait. This paper focuses on the development of the cross-strait ceramic building material production networks. It explores details of mutual learning, the rescaling of production space, and the changes of power structure between firms in different places. The paper argues that this is a market-driven production network. The emerging market is attracting firms from Taiwan and China to integrate their assets to seize the market by establishing and supporting operations of cross-border production networks. These production networks also influence the adjustments of local institutions that are attuned to the possibility of systemic transformations within the developed crossborder production space. This paper also finds that the framework provided by global production networks is more suitable than the concept of global commodity chains for examining the cross-strait ceramic building material production networks.
起訖頁 169-196
關鍵詞 陶瓷建築材料全球商品鏈全球生產網絡市場趨動之生產網絡Ceramic Building Material IndustryGlobal Commodity ChainsGlobal Production NetworksMarket-driven Production Networks
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200805 (11:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 以資料蒐評法和影像分塊技術自動萃取空載光達資料中的建物共面屋頂點




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