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A Suitability Assessment of Refuge Bases with Urban Public Facilities: A Case Study of Chia-Yi City
作者 杜建宏張益三包昇平
都市地區是人口聚集、產經活動的主要場所,一旦發生重大災害,損失將十分嚴重;而災害的發生與所帶來的影響,在目前的科學中仍無法精確的預測。在這樣的時空背景之下,平時對於未來災害的減災與整備,便成為防災計畫的重要工作。本研究係針對避難據點的規劃整備,建立避難據點之規劃準則與適宜性評估體系,並考量災害潛勢之影響,運用灰關聯分析與熵值權重法,來幫助規劃者理性的評估避難據點之適宜性,以改善目前避難據點規劃之方式。以嘉義市實證地區的評估結果,在嘉義市避難據點適宜性評估結果得知,避難據點之服務能力仍然相當的不足,而在災害潛勢影響中,震後火災的影響最大。因此,在避難據點規劃整備中,應妥善的進行防範措施。 Urban areas consist of a dense population and prosperous economic activities. People’s property and living facilities are located heavily in urban areas. A disaster can cause tremendous loss of lives and property damages. Limited scientific technology can be used to predict when they might occur. Under such circumstances, a comprehensive disaster prevention plan is important to reduce potential damages caused by the disaster. Refuge base planning is developed based on a suitability assessment system in which influences of disaster potential are considered. The Gray Correlation Theory and Entropy Weight Method were adopted to rationally assess suitability, and improve current methods of refuge base planning. Using an empirical study of Chia-Yi City in central Taiwan, we found that service functions of refuge bases could serve as a priority of suitability improvement in refuge base planning. Fire was found to be the most salient among negative influences of disaster potential, and so it deserves further attention in future planning.
起訖頁 23-48
關鍵詞 避難據點規劃適宜性評估災害潛勢Refuge Base PlanningSuitability AssessmentDisaster Potential
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200711 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 台北地區不動產價格波動與蛛網理論
該期刊-下一篇 不動產有效稅率對房價影響分析——以台北市大同區與內湖區為例




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