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台灣土地研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Market Entry Model and Governance of Industrial Property Investments Across Taiwan Strait
作者 周志龍
在不動產開發的制度論基礎上,本文把「市場進入模式」觀念化成為一個社會關係網絡的建構,並將之運用到兩岸工業不動產的跨界投資上,來說明了兩岸工業不動產的行動者與結構環境的互動關係。然而,由於兩岸政治緊張關係的區域因子影響,國家對服務業廠商跨界投資策略和市場進入模式的衝擊,因此就變成是本文的一個討論重點。本文最後指出,跨界的社會關係網絡與中國地方政府的介入,是不動產服務業跨界市場進入模式的組成關鍵。 Based on the institutional theories of property development, the market entry model is conceptualized in this article as a construct of social relation network and applied to analyze cross-border investments in industrial property services across the Taiwan Strait. It explores the interactive relations between structural environment and actors of industrial property. Nevertheless, due to the influences of the regional political environment caused by the tension between Taiwan and China, the states become a significant factor for crossborder investment strategy and market entry model of property service firms from Taiwan. It is argued that cross-border social networks and local entrepreneurial governments in China are the major components for the market entry model of Taiwan’s investment in China’s industrial property services.
起訖頁 23-52
關鍵詞 工業不動產服務業的跨界投資市場進入模式社會關係網絡國家治理台灣與中國Cross-border investment of industrial property servicesmarket entry modesocial relation networkthe stategovernanceTaiwan and China
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200705 (10:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 鄰避性設施設置協商策略比較之實驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 應用神經網路在地籍資料TWD67與TWD97坐標轉換之研究




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