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A Study on the Compensation Issue for Restricted Areas
作者 馮君君卓佳慧
隨著環境問題的增加,保育自然資源的重要性漸受重視。民國85年之國土綜合開發計畫中為保護自然環境資源價值以及降低人為引發天然災害的可能性,提出從土地供給面導向劃設「限制發展地區」與「可發展地區」的指導方針,為我國國土規劃史上重要的一大步。然隨著劃設限制發展地區產生的土地利用受限所導致之財產權受侵問題,在劃設限制發展地區時應加以考量並提出適當的處理方案。基此,本研究即由財產權的觀點出發,探討限制發展地區土地利用受限之補償問題,冀望藉由此研究對「管制行為補償與否」以及「採何種方式進行補償」之問題,提供建議。在討論政府對限制發展地區之管制行為是否應該給予補償之前,必須對環境資源的價值及私人財產權的權限進行瞭解,再配合對政府限制發展地區劃設的類別與管制情形的瞭解,研提有關限制發展地區劃設致土地利用受限是否補償的判斷原則與流程;另外就多種補償方式進行分析研究,整理出各補償方式較適用的對象及其優缺點,做為選取補償方式之參考。本研究得到以下初步的結論與成果:1.限制發展地區(除國防安全用地外)劃設之最主要目的為:(1)使土地使用符合土地本身條件,以及(2)保護自然及人文的資源。2.環境資源之「使用者效益」及「非使用者效益」是估算環境資源效益之要項,須均加以考量,方不致輕忽環境資源之價值。3.研提判斷補償與否之原則與程序、以及選取補償方法的步驟,以為研議限制發展地區土地利用受限補償課題之參考。4.以台北水源特定區為個案,研判該區土地使用管制是否應予以補償及運用何種方式給予補償。 As with increasing awareness of environmental problems, the government in Taiwan established a new land-use scheme in National Comprehensive Development Plan to prevent the resource depletion and environmental disasters resulting from improper land-use activities. In the land-use scheme the land resources are identified as ‘developable areas’ and ‘restricted areas’ according to their importance and fragility. The restricted areas are imposed strict land-use regulations for the purposes of resources conservation and preservation. However, this may invade the property rights so significant that compensation is required. Thus, this research worked on two issues—one is whether the invaded land property rights should be compensated, and the other is how to compensate is justified. This research starts with discussing the value of environment resources, including quantifiable (priced and un-priced) and un-quantifiable value, to justify the restricted areas for environmental protection. Secondly, by reviewing the literature on the theory of property rights and the examples of taking in USA, this research developed a conceptual framework for determining whether the invaded land property rights should be compensated, and for suggesting how to compensate if the compensation is required. Finally, this research applied the framework to the Taipei Water Preservation Area to discuss whether the land property rights invaded by the regulations should be compensated and what kind of compensation would be appropriated.
起訖頁 41-71
關鍵詞 限制發展地區損失補償財產權(非)使用者效益Restricted areasCompensationProperty rightsTakingUser benefitNonuser benefit
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200105 (2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣各時期原住民土地政策演變及其影響之探討
該期刊-下一篇 兩岸土地開發制度與城市競爭力關係之探討




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