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Sixth Comments on China's Strategic Positioning of Constructing NIEO: Focusing on China's Leading Role during the Decade of BRICS' Rising and on the Collision of Ideas between Law-Abiding and Law-Reforming
作者 陳安
“金磚國家”集團於2007-2008年間崛起於當代國際社會,迄今歷時十年,在改革國際經濟舊秩序(OIEO),構建國際經濟新秩序(NIEO)歷史進程中,在全球治理體系變革歷史進程中,排除障礙,穩步前進,成就突出,並且以2017年在中國廈門市舉行的“第九屆金磚國家峰會”圓滿結束作為新的起點,開始新的征程,進入了金磚國家合作機制的第二個金色十年。面對這種蓬勃發展和蒸蒸日上的發展勢頭,國際社會中“有人歡喜有人愁”,褒貶不一:既有“龍吟殷殷”,也有“鷹囂鴉嗓”;國際社會對於中國在“金磚國家”崛起十年中發揮的引領作用,對於“守法”與“變法”、全球“壟斷治理”與全球“民主治理”等大是大非問題,也頻頻發生理念碰撞。本文粗略梳理和聚焦評析上述各種褒貶和理念碰撞,提出筆者個人的看法,參加國際爭鳴,並就教於海內外讀者。 BRICS, as a group of countries, first emerged from the international society in around 2007-2008. During its decade of development, BRICS group has been playing an increasingly important role in the historical process of reforming Old International Economic Order (OIEO) and establishing New International Economic Order (NIEO), as well as in the historical process of global governance regime reformation. The 9th BRICS Summit, successfully held in Xiamen China in 2017, symbolifies the start of new journey for the next round of decade's development. In facing such vigorous and thriving trend of BRICS, voices from international society widely range from genuine wishes to bitter jealousies. As to China's leading role during the BRICS' rising in the past decade, as well as other major issues of principles such as law-abiding and law-reforming, monopolized regime and democratic regime of global governance, there are also frequent collision of ideas among international society. This Article offers a relatively comprehensive review on these issues, and concludes with a personal observation of the Author.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 國際經濟新秩序中國戰咯定位“金磚國家”崛起“守法”與“變法”New International Economic OrderChina's Strategic PositioningBRICS' RisingCollision of Ideas between Law-Abiding and Law-Reforming
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201804 (24:2期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-下一篇 新時代中國參與全球治理戰略路徑的思考




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