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Post-Tainan Image: Discussion on the Writing of Tainan in Su Wei-Chen's Daughter of a Books Rental Store
作者 陳昭吟
台灣當代重量級女作家之一的蘇偉貞(1954-),獲獎無數,向來以小說家身分確立於文壇。但不同於之前小說虛構的敘事模式,離家三十年後重回出生地台南的她,南返後出版的卻是改以記實為特質的自傳體記憶散文《租書店的女兒》(2010)來抒情呈現。本文欲借用「地誌學」的概念,從人文地理的視角,探討此書所採用的觀看姿態、書寫手法和表現樣貌。透過蘇偉貞在「後南都主義」的情感下,所交織揉雜出一種多元複重的觀望視角,並以見蕩於記憶與現實之間的自傳體回顧模式,再加以影像寫真的自我召喚,共同成就她回歸南都的姿勢。此外,蘇偉貞還從「感覺結構」、「過去與現在的交疊對話」及「特定生命場域」等面向的刻劃之中,呈現出專屬於她自己的後南都(台南)圖像。在這樣人與城市的對話當中,我們可以看到台南之於蘇偉貞無可複製的城市身世,也可以看到蘇偉貞追索自我對台南的「後南都」歸屬感,甚至所開展出來與台南之間那又近又遠,卻密不可分的情感。 Su Wei-Chen (1954- ), one of the contemporary heavyweight female writers in Taiwan, has won numerous awards and has always been a novelist. This identity is well-established in the literary world. But unlike the use of the fictional narrative mode in her previous works, she published the autobiographical memory essays Daughter of a Books Rental Store(2010), after 30 years away from home and returning to her birthplace, Tainan. This article intends to use the concept of “geography” to examine the perspectives, writing techniques and presentation used in the book from the view of human geography. Through her sentiment of post-Tainanism, Su intertwined a multi-faceted perspective, and used an autobiographical review mode between memory and reality and self-calling of photos. All these techniques help solidify her position after returning to Tainan. In addition, Su also presented the image of Tainan from the perspectives of “feeling structure,”“the overlap of past and present” as well as “specific life field.' In such dialogues between people and the city, we can see the unduplicated identity of Tainan to Su. We also see that Su pursued her sense of belonging to Tainan's post-Tainanism, and even developed a far-reaching and yet inseparable mixed emotion with Tainan.
起訖頁 249-294
關鍵詞 蘇偉貞租書店的女兒台南書寫地誌學Su Wei-ChenDaughter of a Books Rental StoreWriting of TainanTopography
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201810 (27期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 從女性沉默主體,到以詩自我定位--以四位台灣當代女詩人為例
該期刊-下一篇 重返江湖,所為何事?--上官鼎《雁城諜影》的「抗戰」書寫




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