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The Manchu and Korean Peninsula Tours of Japanese Sinologists from the Office of Taiwan Governor-General and Their Perspectives of East Asia (1895-1910)
作者 莊怡文
日本「國家主義」(Nationalism)發展始於明治維新,經過甲午戰爭與日俄戰爭,日本漢文人的中國觀與東亞觀產生巨大轉折,日本漢學面對前所未有的挑戰。漢文人自小學習中國古典學術文化,不免將「文化中國」作為自己的精神原鄉;漢文人來台後,發現具有「文化中國」符碼的台灣竟成日本殖民地,「現實中國」亦今非昔比,其思想之矛盾更為明顯。自1895年日本領有台灣至1910年正式合併韓半島,這十五年間可謂是形塑近代日本知識分子中國觀與東亞觀的關鍵時刻,關鍵點則是台灣與韓半島。本文以小泉泉與關口隆正為例進行觀察,小泉對於滿、韓較具同情眼光,而關口則強調日、韓友誼關係,避開中、日與中、韓文化淵源,兩者都對「現實中國」感到遺憾,「文化中國」與「小中華韓半島」成為他們揮之不去的「中國結」。 Japanese Nationalism can be dated back to the Meiji Restoration. The Japanese sinologists' views of China and East Asia made a huge change after the Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War, causing Japanese sinologists to face unprecedented challenges. Japanese sinologists who studied Chinese literature and culture since childhood were inclined to regard the “cultural China” as their “spiritual hometown”. However, they realized that Taiwan with the “cultural China” code had become a Japanese colony after they came to Taiwan. The “real China” is not what it used to be any more. The contradiction of their thoughts was very manifest. From the Japanese occupation of Taiwan in 1895 to the official merger of the Korean peninsula in 1910, it was the crucial moment for Japanese intellectuals to reconstruct their views of East Asia and China, in which Taiwan and Korean peninsula played key roles. Taking two Japanese intellectuals, Tarasen Koizumi (J ) and Takamasa Sekiguchi (BABTE), from the Office of Taiwan Governor-General as examples, this paper argues that Koizumi was more sympathetic for Manchu/Qing/China and Korean peninsula, while Sekiguchi emphasized the friendship between Japan and Korean peninsula. Both of them sorrowed for the “real China,' as a result, “cultural China” and “Korean peninsula” became their lingering “Chinese complex.
起訖頁 9-38
關鍵詞 日本漢文人日本漢學文化中國小泉盜泉關口隆正Japanese SinologistsJapanese SinologyCultural ChinaTarasen KoizumiTakamasa Sekiguchi
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201810 (27期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-下一篇 〈牛車〉在「滿洲國」--論呂赫若小說的首次譯介與大連文壇




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