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On the Interpretation of “Ru xing” in the Perspective of Lu Dalin’s neo-Confucianism
作者 陳姝伃
歷代研究《禮記》之篇章甚多,而〈儒行〉在《禮記》中相較於〈中庸〉、〈大學〉之流傳,可謂較少人知且受到較多批評。其中爭議處在於〈儒行〉是否為孔子之言論?批評〈儒行〉非孔子之言者,以北宋呂大臨《禮記解》對〈儒行〉所撰寫之題解的影響最為深刻。本文研究呂大臨之注解,發現彼在文中富有其師承張載之道學思維,且仍然肯定〈儒行〉符合儒家學說之範疇。至於呂氏批評〈儒行〉剛毅章「其過失可微辨而不可面數也」一句的原因,在於彼身處《呂氏鄉約》「過失相規」的規範之中,且其過失附有罰則。呂大臨因負有教化鄉里風俗的身教之責,故造成在注解時產生轉換詮釋主體之身分、脫離文本之語境與忽略先秦與宋代的歷史差異等問題。整體而言,本研究認為呂氏以降之學者對於其批評〈儒行〉的言論,因因相襲抄寫甚至加以運用而產生思想的質變的情況,應當為今人學者所留意,且對於歷代經學家的解經方法與影響因素,應當作出深刻的反省。 There are many chapters in the study of Liji(禮記, The Book of Rites) in the pastdynasties, and the“Ru xing”(儒行) compared to the“Da xue”(大學), “zhong yong”(中庸) of the spread, is less known and more criticized. The controversy is whetherthe“Ru xing”is Confucius ' remarks. Among the critics, the Lu Dalin’s “The explain ofof Liji”(禮記解)in the Northern Song Dynasty had the most influence on the solution.This paper studies the annotation of Lu Dalin and finds that he has the more thinkingof Zhang Za(張載), and still affirms that“Ru xing” conforms to the Confucian theory.As for LU's criticism of the“Ru xing”Fortitude chapter “its fault can be analyzedsubtly but can’t be accused in the face”(其過失可微辨而不可面數也), the reasonis that he comply with the“Lu’s xiangyue”(呂氏鄉約, Lu’s village convention). Theconventions is accompanied by a penalty, and one rule is to persuade each other. LuDalin is responsible for teaching the customs of the village, thus causing problems inthe interpretation. These problems include the conversion of the identity of the subjectof interpretation, leaving the context of text, and ignoring the historical differencesbetween pre-Qin and Song Dynasty. Overall, scholars ' comments on Lu's criticism ofthe“Ru xing”after the Song Dynasty who have qualitative change in thought resultingfrom the transcription and even use of the attack.This situation should be paidattention to by modern scholars. There should be more profound reflection on themethods and influencing factors of the scribes in the past.
起訖頁 81-99
關鍵詞 〈儒行〉呂大臨《禮記解》道學解經方法Ru xingLu DalinThe explain of Lijineo-ConfucianismWays to explain the classics
刊名 東吳中文研究集刊  
期數 201810 (24期)
出版單位 東吳中文研究所學會
該期刊-上一篇 情之辨析——湯顯祖情感論之再思
該期刊-下一篇 精神分析視野下的《盛夏光年》




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