中文摘要 |
麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的急性感染,具有高度傳染性並且通常感染發生在兒童。這種病的特點是結膜炎,咳嗽,鼻炎,發燒和在出現初始症狀幾天後開始的柯氏斑點(Koplik spots)和斑丘疹。大部分的麻疹感染會自行恢復,少部分的人有嚴重併發症發生。自從引進麻疹疫苗後,在先進國家的病例已經大大減少,但它仍然是發展中國家的一個嚴重問題。目前並沒有特殊的抗病毒藥物可供治療,只有支持性療法。接種麻疹疫苗是最直接有效的預防方法。
Measles is an acute infection caused by the measles virus, is highly contagious and is usually seen in children. The disease is characterized by conjunctivitis, cough, coryza, fever, Koplik spots and rashes that begin a few days after initial symptoms appear. Recovery from measles is the rule, and some people have serious complications. Since the introduction of measles vaccine, cases in developed countries have been greatly reduced, but it is still a serious problem in developing countries. There are currently no special antiviral drugs available for treatment. Only supportive therapy could be given.. Vaccination against measles is the most direct and effective way to prevent and control the disease. |