中文摘要 |
Objectives: A county wide campaign of mass screening and medication for pinworm infestation control was conducted for school children in the northern Taiwan in 2001. Methods: A total of 309,446 (response rate 95.2%) children at 215 primary schools, with parental consents, received the adhesive thin cellophane tape swab examination, 13,166 (8.2%) boys and 11,729 (7.9%) girls were found to have pinworm infestation. All the children received one dose of Mebendazole 100 mg and an additional dose two weeks after the first medication with parental consents. Results: Approximately 6 months after the mass medication, 294,917 children received rescreening using the same method, and 442 (0.15%) were found to be positive. The reduction rates of pinworm infestation by the mass screening and medication campaign was 99.0%. The cost of medication was 300,000 New Taiwan dollars (10,000 US dollars), only 1% of annual budget spent in previous 10 years average. There were no significant differences in reduction rates between boys and girls, and among students living in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Higher graders had lower infection rate and lower reduction rate. This mass screening and medication campaign is a cost-effective strategy for pinworm control and may be useful for the pinworm control in other countries and areas with high prevalence.
目的:本研究分析2001年台灣北部某縣市進行大規模學童蟯蟲篩檢及治療之成效。方法:總共有215所小學309,446位學童(參與率95.2%)之父母同意接受學童蟯蟲肛門貼紙篩檢,13,166位(8.2%)男生,11,729位(7.9%)女生被檢出有蟯蟲感染。所有學童在父母親同意下均接受口服一劑100毫克Mebenazole治療,兩週後接受第二劑治療。結果:在大規模治療六個月後,294917位接受再次檢查,442位(0.15%)仍有感染,大規模篩檢與治療使蟯蟲感染率下降了99%。治療總成本為新台幣30萬元,為該縣過去十年蟯蟲防治預算的1%。男童與女童的蟯蟲感染下降率沒有顯著的不同,此下降率也沒有城鄉之別。高年級的學童感染率較低但下降率也比較低。結論:此大規模蟯蟲感染篩檢與治療計畫證明具有成本效益,可提供給其他高蟯蟲感染盛行率國家或地區做蟯蟲感染防治之參考。 |