中文摘要 |
為瞭解安平小鎮文化觀光吸引力,本研究運用 GPS 來追蹤遊客在空間與時間上之移動軌 跡,並輔以問卷調查遊客動機及文化觀光吸引力。研究共招募 100 位受測者配戴 GPS 記錄 器進行現地實測。透過動機問項在簇群分析結果顯示,目標型遊客對文化歷史內容的吸引力 明顯高於隨意型遊客,但兩群體遊客卻在 GPS 空間參訪行為模式上並無太大差異,停留時間 均以非古蹟型大眾觀光類型景點為主,例如安平老街;區內的歷史古蹟似乎僅是陪襯性的點 綴參觀。故臺灣歷史文化古蹟內涵在文化觀光發展中所扮演的角色為何以及如何設計包裝行 銷,亦是未來極需探討與加強的重點。
With the purpose of discovering the attraction of cultural tourism in Anping Recreation Area, this study adopted the GPS technology to analyze tourist's spatial and time characteristics; moreover, the questionnaire survey also conducted to understand tourists' motivation and attractions of cultural tourism. 100 subjects were recruited to use GPS device in this study; additionally, cluster analysis were adopted in the motivation questions to divide subjects into two different types of tourist. Mentally, target-oriented type tourists had higher attraction toward cultural related contents than casual-oriented type tourists did; however, two types of tourist's spatial behaviors were similar. They all stayed longer in non-historical scenic sites like Anping Old Street instead of staying longer at historical related sites. The historical sites were like an embellished visit to stop by. How the historical site played the role in the development of cultural tourism in Taiwan was a potential research issue in the future. The redesign of marketing strategy for the attraction increasing of a historical site will be the key points for the future development. |