In this paper we will analyze the present achievements of cross strait astronautic exploration. We will also propose a plausible cooperation framework for Chinese of both sides in commercial sub orbital or orbital flight. This framework will incorporate the launch and carrier technology of Mainland China in Shenzhou Spacecraft Program and micro mechatronic manufacturing and precision optical CMOS technology of Taiwan. The cross-strait consortium could be designed in a peaceful and mutually beneficial way and lead to the future cooperation agenda in advanced science and Technology.
本研究主要分析兩岸目前在太空探索領域中的相關成就,台灣方面以已在2017年成功升空並且運轉的福衛五號最具代表性;大陸方面則近年來在載人太空飛行神舟計畫方面取得相當突出成果。有鑑於國際科技大國與跨國科技廠商對於太空未知領域的探索正逐漸取得先導獨佔權,本文建議依兩岸和平與互惠合作架構,結合大陸衛星發射制導與台灣遙測影像分析與微機電精密技術,展開太空商務與觀光應用領域探索發展,將有利於兩岸未來先進科技之合作。 |