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Current Status and Reflection of the Indigenous Tribal Culture Health Station in Taiwan: The Case of the Ta-yal tribe along the Da-an River
作者 郭俊巖蔡盈修周文蕊賴秦瑩
本研究旨在探討部落文化健康站的現況與限制,為達此研究目的,本研究採取訪談法針對4位部落文化健康站服務人員進行質性資料的蒐集及分析。研究發現,部落文化健康站雖具備初級預防的照顧服務功能,但礙於資源有限仍存在諸多專業服務的難題,包括:1.文化健康站服務內容難滿足行動不便及失能長者的照顧需求;2.照顧服務員收入不穩定與流動率高;3.部落長期照顧機構專業人力不足,影響機構發展;4.部落空洞化衝擊部落集體照顧的能力。依此,本研究依照研究結果,提出幾項提升部落文化健康站營運功能的政策思考方針:1.照顧服務員的薪資待遇和職業地位有待提升;2.促進部落文化健康站服務內容多元化;3.增進部落照顧組織的功能;4.強化部落照顧組織的資源連結能力;5.簡化評鑑業務,並委託專業團隊指導部落組織撰寫評鑑報告書及計畫書。 This study discusses the present circumstances and restrictions of tribalculture health stations. Here, qualitative data were collected by interviewingfour workers from tribal culture health stations and then analyzed. Thefindings revealed that the tribal culture health stations possess the healthservice functions of primary prevention; however, the limited resourceavailability causes several problems in delivery of their professionalservices: (1) inability of the stations to meet the care needs of seniors with disabilities or mobility impairments, (2) high turnover rate and unstableincome of caregiving jobs, (3) effect of the lack of qualified professionalsat the stations on organizational development, and (4) deindustrializationof indigenous tribes and its effect on their ability to offer collective care.Thus, the researcher offers the following policymaking advice for improvingthese stations’ operations: (1) increase the salary and occupational status ofcaretakers, (2) promote variety in the services offered by the stations, (3)enhance the operating functions of tribal care organizations, (4) improvethe ability of tribal care organizations to acquire resources, and (5) simplifyevaluation processes and entrust professional teams with the responsibilityof offering guidance to tribal organizations on writing evaluation reports andplans.
起訖頁 63-109
關鍵詞 原住民社區照顧社會福利老人福利Indigenous peoplesCommunity careSocial welfareSenior citizens welfare
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201806 (14:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 資產為基礎之社區發展模式在越南社區永續發展之應用
該期刊-下一篇 突破受暴婦女的就業困境──準備性職場服務經驗的研究




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