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文化研究雙月報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Indian Detective on the Reservation: Tony Hillerman’s The Joe Leaphorn Mysteries
作者 呂虹瑾
The trend of the late twentieth-century detective fiction has profound color of ethnicity, and ethnic detective fiction accentuates the benefits of racial characteristics that have been neglected in conventional detective novels. Combining the mystery of ethnicity and the framework of detective fiction appeals the reading public’s attention successfully. However, when ethnic detective fiction is not written by a writer of that race, the appropriation of racial elements has usually been doubted for its authenticity, particularly in the condition of its highly popularity. This study focuses on the twentieth-century American writer Tony Hillerman’s The Joe Leaphorn Mysteries: The Blessing Way, Dance Hall of the Dead, Listening Woman, Indian detective fiction, and explores the relation between its success and the settings of Indian reservations. What is the author’s purpose of writing Indian fiction, and what is the pleasure of reading such novels full of Indian legends? The questions will be discussed in three parts: Structure and Pleasure, The Indian Sherlock for Justice, and Consecrating Myths and Legends?
起訖頁 45-56
刊名 文化研究雙月報  
期數 201405 (144期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 首相宅邸裡的瑪丹娜?英國報紙如何再現柴契爾與女性主義之間的關聯
該期刊-下一篇 以戲劇五因初探芥川龍之介的幻聽與死亡




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