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文化研究雙月報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Love in a Car Crush: Reviewing Tainan Jen Theatre’s How I Learned to Drive
作者 沈昆賢
“The quality of mercy is not strained!”1 As the female protagonist, Li'l Bit, in Paula Vogle’sHow I Learned to Drive quoted from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Clearly, as a girl growing up in a family in which every grown-up always treat her as an immature child, Li’l Bit (or the little one) feels the need to question such kind of authoritative “mercy.” However, as the show goes on, the audience will discover that her struggle between leading an independent life and her relationship with her Uncle Peck, who has loved her both like a daughter and a lover, is not that easily solved.
起訖頁 2-5
刊名 文化研究雙月報  
期數 201301 (136期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 從“波希米亞咖啡館”到“深夜食堂”——作為“地方”的城市空間與市民的“地方感”




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