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Tourist Spending Analysis of the Community-based Forest Trails in the Luodong District
作者 許秉翔李宇承林鴻忠李久先
為了客觀地瞭解社區型步道與地區經濟的連結,本研究分析了羅東林區八條社區型步道的遊客支出,並瞭解步道遊客支出的數量與模式,解析其為當地社區帶來的直接收入。透過有效樣本數為998人的遊客支出問卷調查,主要分析結果如下:一、在旅遊支出上,散客人均支出為4, 710元,團客人均支出為4, 120元,整體而言,散客旅遊支出的平均金額大於團客。在支出項目上,散客在「住宿」、「泡溫泉」、「餐飲」、「購買紀念品」的支出金額均大於團客。團客在「DIY體驗」及「購買地方特產或伴手禮」這兩項花費上,其支出金額大於散客。二、本研究的結論支持非當地遊客的支出大於當地遊客。一日遊的當地遊客花不到50元的比例相當高,已經超過七成。至於遊程超過兩天的遊客支出部分,兩日遊的支出以500元的比例最高;三日遊及四日遊以上者則最高點在2, 500元至3, 000元之間。三、社區型步道之遊客係以26~55歲民眾為主,並且每個年齡層分配的相當平均。教育程度以大學學歷最多,職業則以商業、軍警公教為主,團客部分比例約為四分之一,散客部分比例約佔四分之三。在步道遊客來源地區的部份,宜蘭縣居民約占總受訪者中的一成六,這個結果與當初羅東處的預期不同,原來羅東處的意圖是提供地區型的休閒設施,但是雪隧的開通使得台北都會區的可及性大增,使得宜蘭縣的社區型步道成為台北市、新北市民休閒遊憩的選擇之一。四、遊客支出調查的資料蒐集方式及執行細節會大幅度地影響調查結果,所以在呈現相關結果時,要很注意細節。例如在基地的問卷調查結束之後,後續的行程到回家之間的支出之調查方式;在團客的部分避免過度取樣(over-sampling)的問題;不同類型樣本數量決定的問題;outlier的處理與去除的問題等等。 In order to clarify the economic impact of the forest trails tour, tourist spending survey of the eight community-based forest trails in the Luodong District of the Forestry Bureau were executed. By understanding the amount and pattern of the tourists’ expenditure, the sales amount of industries brought in and out for the community were calculated. With the analysis of 998 valid samples, the main results of the survey are below:1. In the aspect of tourists' spending, the average expenditure for the individual visitors is 4710 NTD and for the group visitors is 4120 NTD. For the expenditure items, FITs spent more money than group visitors on accommodation, taking thermal spring bath, dinning, and buying souvenirs. On the other hand, the group visitors spent more money than the individuals on experiencing DIY and buying souvenirs in the local communities.2. The results of this research support the conventional wisdom that the non-local tourist expenditure is more than the local ones. The local tourist, who takes one day tour, usually spent less than 50 NTD and this situation is over 70%. The average expenditure of tourist, who takes two day tour, is 500 NTD. The most expenditure of tourist, who takes three or more than four days tour, is between 2500 NTD and 3000 NTD.3. The age distribution of the community-based trail tourists is mostly between 26 and 55 years old. Each age cohort is distributed equally. It can be found that most of tourists’ educational backgrounds are undergraduate level and the main of their careers are businessman, government employees and teacher. Moreover, the rate of the group visitors is 75% and the individuals' rate is 25%. Relating the sources of visitors, the share of the local visitors (from I-Lan County) is 16%, far less than the rate which the Luodong District of the Forestry Bureau predicted. Since the Xuesshan Tunnel opened, it connects Taipei metropolitan area to I-Lan County. Therefore, it makes the community-based forest trails become one of recreational choices for people living in the Taipei metropolitan area.4. The method of data collection and other suney details definitely influence on the results. For example, choosing the mail-back survey or the other methods; avoiding the over-sampling problem; deciding the quantity of samples of different categories; dealing the problem of outliers, etc.
In order to clarify the economic impact of the forest trails tour, tourist spending survey of the eight community-based forest trails in the Luodong District of the Forestry Bureau were executed. By understanding the amount and pattern of the tourists’ expenditure, the sales amount of industries brought in and out for the community were calculated. With the analysis of 998 valid samples, the main results of the survey are below:1. In the aspect of tourists' spending, the average expenditure for the individual visitors is 4710 NTD and for the group visitors is 4120 NTD. For the expenditure items, FITs spent more money than group visitors on accommodation, taking thermal spring bath, dinning, and buying souvenirs. On the other hand, the group visitors spent more money than the individuals on experiencing DIY and buying souvenirs in the local communities.2. The results of this research support the conventional wisdom that the non-local tourist expenditure is more than the local ones. The local tourist, who takes one day tour, usually spent less than 50 NTD and this situation is over 70%. The average expenditure of tourist, who takes two day tour, is 500 NTD. The most expenditure of tourist, who takes three or more than four days tour, is between 2500 NTD and 3000 NTD.3. The age distribution of the community-based trail tourists is mostly between 26 and 55 years old. Each age cohort is distributed equally. It can be found that most of tourists’ educational backgrounds are undergraduate level and the main of their careers are businessman, government employees and teacher. Moreover, the rate of the group visitors is 75% and the individuals' rate is 25%. Relating the sources of visitors, the share of the local visitors (from I-Lan County) is 16%, far less than the rate which the Luodong District of the Forestry Bureau predicted. Since the Xuesshan Tunnel opened, it connects Taipei metropolitan area to I-Lan County. Therefore, it makes the community-based forest trails become one of recreational choices for people living in the Taipei metropolitan area.4. The method of data collection and other suney details definitely influence on the results. For example, choosing the mail-back survey or the other methods; avoiding the over-sampling problem; deciding the quantity of samples of different categories; dealing the problem of outliers, etc.
起訖頁 81-98
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201112 (33:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 Sida rhombifolia L. var. Maderensis (Lowe) Lowe (Malvaceae), A New Recorded Plant in Taiwanum




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