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Study on the Vegetation Ecology of Badland in West Taiwan
作者 梁耀竹曾喜育邱清安曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)
本研究針對臺灣本島西部之礫岩、泥岩、石灰岩等3種惡地地形進行植群調查與分析,共設50個25m×10m樣區。於研究區範圍內共紀錄97科237屬337種維管束植物,稀有植物6種。歸化植物以三角葉西番蓮(Passiflorasuberosa)、馬纓丹(Lantanacamara)、銀合歡(Leucaenaleucocephala)和小花蔓澤蘭(Mikaniamicrantha)等4種普遍歸化於惡地環境。經矩陣群團分析結果,共分出6個森林優勢型,並以優勢種命名:I.相思樹型(Acaciaconfusatype);II.銀合歡型(Leucaenaleucocephalatype);III.楓香型(Liquidambarformosanatype);IV.大葉桃花心木型(Swieteniamacrophyllatype);V.大頭茶型(Gordoniaaxillaristype);VI.香楠型(Machiluszuihoensistype),並與降趨對應分析結果大致相符。由主要組成樹種之族群結構,了解原生與人工栽植物種的生長與更新情形,可以作為未來復舊造林與棲地保育之參考。 The aim of this study was to analyze the vegetation ecology of badland including conglomerate, mudstone and limestone in West Taiwan. Fifty plots (25 m×10 m) were sampled, and there are 79 families, 209 genera and 275 species of vascular plants were recorded in this study in total. Matrix cluster analysis and Detrended correspondence analysis were used in vegetation analysis and the vegetation was divided into 5 types: I. Acacia confusa type; II. Leucaena leucocephala type; III. Liquidambar formosana type; IV. Swietenia macrophylla type; V. Gordonia axillaris type; VI. Machilus zuihoensis type. Plants species adaptable to badland in West Taiwan were suggested about recovery and conservation of habitat. Passiflora suberosa, Lantana camara, Leucaena leucocephala and Mikania micrantha were evaluated as the top four invasive plants.
The aim of this study was to analyze the vegetation ecology of badland including conglomerate, mudstone and limestone in West Taiwan. Fifty plots (25 m×10 m) were sampled, and there are 79 families, 209 genera and 275 species of vascular plants were recorded in this study in total. Matrix cluster analysis and Detrended correspondence analysis were used in vegetation analysis and the vegetation was divided into 5 types: I. Acacia confusa type; II. Leucaena leucocephala type; III. Liquidambar formosana type; IV. Swietenia macrophylla type; V. Gordonia axillaris type; VI. Machilus zuihoensis type. Plants species adaptable to badland in West Taiwan were suggested about recovery and conservation of habitat. Passiflora suberosa, Lantana camara, Leucaena leucocephala and Mikania micrantha were evaluated as the top four invasive plants.
起訖頁 23-36
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201109 (33:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 Analyzing Vegetation Dynamics of the Broad-leaved Secondary Forest by Species Abundance Models at Mt. Showchu in the Hue-Sun Forest Station
該期刊-下一篇 台中港防風林區地面燃料型與潛在林火行為之初探




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