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Spatial Scale and Data Resolution: The Dilemma of Spatially Extrapolating Ecological Pattern of Species - A Case Study of Cinnamomum subavenium and Brainea insignis |
作者 |
羅南璋、王文巧、張偉顗、黃凱易 |
中文摘要 |
The analysis of species-environment relationship has always been a central issue in ecology. Ecological and environmental problems, such as global warming and biodiversity loss, operate over very large areas or over extended periods of time, but the field data that characterize ecological research are typically collected over relatively small areas during studies of short duration. The scales with data collection mismatch.”Spatial extrapolation” has always been a part of ecology, but it became a sine qua non and a major research focus in applied ecology in the latter half of the 20th century. The model using direct parameters for extending ecological patterns is more general and applicable over larger areas although it has only coarse resolution and low accuracy data available and thus is inaccurate. On the contrary, the model using indirect parameters can be applied within a limited geographical extent although it has fine resolution and high accuracy data available and thus is accurate. This is the dilemma of spatial extrapolation in ecology. Technological innovations over the last few decades, especially in the fields of remote and GIS, have greatly enhanced scientists' ability to describe patterns over broader spatial scales and at a greater level of detail. Randaishan cinnamons (Cinnamomum subavenium Miq.) and cycad-ferns (Brainea insignis) were chosen as target for this study because their locations and distributions meet the requirements of sampling designs. GIS technique was applied to overlay the sample layers of the two species on the layers of topographic variables and vegetation indices derived from SPOT-5 images for modeling the species' suitable habitat. Decision tree (DT) and discriminant analysis (DA) models were developed to predict and map the species' suitable sites in the study area, and to determine the optimum one in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Three sampling designs derived from different combinations of samples taken from Tong-Feng and Guan-Dau watersheds were used for model development and validation. Accuracy assessment showed that the accuracy of DT was much better than that of DA; and the two models were highly efficient in implementation of model development and validation. More importantly, DT can be applied to predict the species' suitable habitat because they greatly reduced the area of field survey at the first stage. Vegetation indices could not improve the predicting ability of models for the widely distributed species because of SPOT imagery lacking fine spectral resolution and spatial resolution. ”Tong-Feng models” developed from two methods failed to pass validation by Guan-Dau test samples despite passing validation by Tong-Feng test samples. The outcome emphasized that the models only based on topographic variables could not perform spatial extrapolation accurately from a smaller area with training data to a larger area without any training data. Follow-up studies will attempt to extract spectral information associated with species from high spatial, spectral resolution remotely sensed data and use it as variable for model development so that models are more general and applicable over larger areas. |
英文摘要 |
The analysis of species-environment relationship has always been a central issue in ecology. Ecological and environmental problems, such as global warming and biodiversity loss, operate over very large areas or over extended periods of time, but the field data that characterize ecological research are typically collected over relatively small areas during studies of short duration. The scales with data collection mismatch.”Spatial extrapolation” has always been a part of ecology, but it became a sine qua non and a major research focus in applied ecology in the latter half of the 20th century. The model using direct parameters for extending ecological patterns is more general and applicable over larger areas although it has only coarse resolution and low accuracy data available and thus is inaccurate. On the contrary, the model using indirect parameters can be applied within a limited geographical extent although it has fine resolution and high accuracy data available and thus is accurate. This is the dilemma of spatial extrapolation in ecology. Technological innovations over the last few decades, especially in the fields of remote and GIS, have greatly enhanced scientists' ability to describe patterns over broader spatial scales and at a greater level of detail. Randaishan cinnamons (Cinnamomum subavenium Miq.) and cycad-ferns (Brainea insignis) were chosen as target for this study because their locations and distributions meet the requirements of sampling designs. GIS technique was applied to overlay the sample layers of the two species on the layers of topographic variables and vegetation indices derived from SPOT-5 images for modeling the species' suitable habitat. Decision tree (DT) and discriminant analysis (DA) models were developed to predict and map the species' suitable sites in the study area, and to determine the optimum one in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Three sampling designs derived from different combinations of samples taken from Tong-Feng and Guan-Dau watersheds were used for model development and validation. Accuracy assessment showed that the accuracy of DT was much better than that of DA; and the two models were highly efficient in implementation of model development and validation. More importantly, DT can be applied to predict the species' suitable habitat because they greatly reduced the area of field survey at the first stage. Vegetation indices could not improve the predicting ability of models for the widely distributed species because of SPOT imagery lacking fine spectral resolution and spatial resolution. ”Tong-Feng models” developed from two methods failed to pass validation by Guan-Dau test samples despite passing validation by Tong-Feng test samples. The outcome emphasized that the models only based on topographic variables could not perform spatial extrapolation accurately from a smaller area with training data to a larger area without any training data. Follow-up studies will attempt to extract spectral information associated with species from high spatial, spectral resolution remotely sensed data and use it as variable for model development so that models are more general and applicable over larger areas. |
起訖頁 |
41-60 |
刊名 |
林業研究季刊 |
期數 |
201106 (33:2期) |
出版單位 |
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