中文摘要 |
A newly naturalized species, Utricularia graminifolia Vahl, has been found in north Taiwan. This Lentibulariaceae species, native to India, Ceylon, Burma, Tailand and China, was introduced to Taiwan for aquarium ornamental many years ago. The morphology of this species is very similar to U. bifida L., and is distinguished from the latter by its blue-purple corolla and longer linear leaves. A taxonomic treatment, color photographs, line drawings, and distribution from the wild were provided to aid in identification.
禾葉挖耳草最近被發現新歸化於臺灣北部山區,本種為狸藻科植物,原產於印度、錫蘭、緬甸、泰國及中國,早期引進台灣作為觀賞用途。本種外觀形態近似臺灣原生的二裂挖耳草,主要的區別在於花冠的顏色及葉片的長度。本報告描述其形態特徵、地理分佈並提供彩色照片及手繪圖。 |