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Deliberation of Taiwanese Alpine Tundra Vegetation and Its Possible Position based on an Ecoclimatic Viewpoint
作者 邱清安曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)王志強廖敏君曾喜育
極地寒原與高山寒原最重要之環境特徵為支持植物生長的熱量不足,但由於二者在植相及環境均有差異,因此臺灣高山是否存在寒原植群仍有待進一步的商榷。矮盤灌叢屬於森林-寒原推移帶之一部分,依較高階的生態系或植群形相分類觀點,臺灣高山森林界線以上的矮盤灌叢可簡化認定為寒原,由環境熱量分析之結果顯示,其分布範圍在海拔約3, 600m以上、生物氣候指標之修正溫量指數15℃以下的高山區域,其面積經由地理資訊系統計算顯示約為913ha(佔全島面積0.03%);然而,但當採用更細微的植群劃分,則臺灣之高山植群,並非典型之寒原,宜逕稱之為矮盤灌叢。未來研究臺灣高山森林界線與其上方圈谷植群仍應進一步調查其生態環境及生物群資料。 The commonly environmental characteristics of arctic tundra and alpine tundra are insufficient thermal energy to support plant growth. It is necessary to deliberate whether there is the alpine tundra vegetation in Taiwan because the flora and environment are more or less different between arctic tundra and alpine tundra. The krummholz, a part of forest-tundra ecotone, above the forest-line in Taiwan could be simply inferred as tundra vegetation based on the high-rank unit of ecosystem or physiognomic vegetation classification. The thermal analysis through a geographic information system reveals that alpine tundra occurs in the high-mountain area of Taiwan where altitude above 3,600m a.s.l. and modified warmth index below 15°C, with 913 ha (0.03% of total area). Indeed, the Taiwanese alpine vegetation is not the typical tundra, it should be called directly as ”krummholz” when the finer category of vegetation has been distinguished. In the future, the investigation of environment and biota should be performed in Taiwanese alpine vegetation.
The commonly environmental characteristics of arctic tundra and alpine tundra are insufficient thermal energy to support plant growth. It is necessary to deliberate whether there is the alpine tundra vegetation in Taiwan because the flora and environment are more or less different between arctic tundra and alpine tundra. The krummholz, a part of forest-tundra ecotone, above the forest-line in Taiwan could be simply inferred as tundra vegetation based on the high-rank unit of ecosystem or physiognomic vegetation classification. The thermal analysis through a geographic information system reveals that alpine tundra occurs in the high-mountain area of Taiwan where altitude above 3,600m a.s.l. and modified warmth index below 15°C, with 913 ha (0.03% of total area). Indeed, the Taiwanese alpine vegetation is not the typical tundra, it should be called directly as ”krummholz” when the finer category of vegetation has been distinguished. In the future, the investigation of environment and biota should be performed in Taiwanese alpine vegetation.
起訖頁 89-102
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201009 (32:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 垂榕之地表氣生根於不同鋪面之生長趨勢及其對硬體之破壞




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