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The Behavior Intention Model of Private Forest Owners in Leisure Forestry Management-A Case Study in Taichung County
作者 李俊志羅紹麟
行政院農業委員會提出「休閒林業」,作為台灣地區公私有林經營的新契機,來改善目前積弱不振的私有林經營。本研究藉此來瞭解私有林主對於休閒林業之意向為何,採用計畫行為理論與認知階層模式來建構出林主經營休閒林業之行為意向模式。調查方法以問卷訪談的方式進行調查,並以台中縣作為實證研究之區域。正式調查共發出300份問卷,回收有效問卷178份,有效率59.33%。統計分析方法上利用描述性分析以瞭解樣本分佈情況;採用變異數分析以瞭解人口統計變項與行為意向模式各構面之差異;採用多元迴歸分析及路徑分析來確立本研究所架構出之行為意向模式。根據本研究資料分析所得結果,得到以下結論;台中縣私有林主以男性居多且呈現高齡化,主要以農業為主,教育程度有增高趨勢。林地主要是以繼承為主,且所持面積規模不大,多以經濟作物為生。不同人口統計變項在森林價值取向、態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制上有顯著差異。台中縣私有林主對休閒林業經營之意向,不論在「林地轉變為遊憩」、「了解相關規定」、「未來有意願經營」或者「參加政府的相關輔導活動」上多屬同意。本研究所建構出林主行為意向模式之解釋力達59.4%,模式中影響行為意向之整體效果依序為主觀規範、經濟價值取向、知覺行為控制、個人價值取向、公益價值取向、態度。 The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, proposed ”Leisure Forestry” to improve the management of private forest and become a new era for private forest owners in Taiwan. According to the research purposes, literature review was used to understand the conditions of private forest management and ”Leisure Forestry”. The authors try to combine the theory of planned behavior and the cognitive hierarchy model to construct a behavior intention model of private forest owners managing the leisure forestry. A case study in Taichung county was conducted by questionnaire. There are 300 questionnaires sending out and we obtain 178 effective questionnaires. The effectiveness achieve to 59.33%. Descriptive statistics is used to understand the distribution of sample variables, the analysis of variance is used to recognize the difference between the demographic and behavior intention model. Multiple regression and path analysis is the employed to confirm the behavior intention model. Results show that the private forest owners in Taichung county are for the most part of men, elderly, agriculture by main occupation and a higher tendency of education. The forestland were obtained small tract size and for most part of inheritance and planted crops as livelihood. Different demographic variables have significant difference in forest value orientation, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control. Whether on 「converting forestland into recreation」, 「understanding correlation rules」, 「desiring future management」, 「attending the related guidance activities of government」 or not, the behavior intention of private forest owners prefer agreement in Taichung county. The behavior intention model of private forest owners developed by this research has 59.4% predictability of varieties. The overall effects of this model in sequence are subjective norm, economical value orientation, perceived behavior control, personal value orientation, value orientation of social benefits and attitude these influenced behavior intention.
The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, proposed ”Leisure Forestry” to improve the management of private forest and become a new era for private forest owners in Taiwan. According to the research purposes, literature review was used to understand the conditions of private forest management and ”Leisure Forestry”. The authors try to combine the theory of planned behavior and the cognitive hierarchy model to construct a behavior intention model of private forest owners managing the leisure forestry. A case study in Taichung county was conducted by questionnaire. There are 300 questionnaires sending out and we obtain 178 effective questionnaires. The effectiveness achieve to 59.33%. Descriptive statistics is used to understand the distribution of sample variables, the analysis of variance is used to recognize the difference between the demographic and behavior intention model. Multiple regression and path analysis is the employed to confirm the behavior intention model. Results show that the private forest owners in Taichung county are for the most part of men, elderly, agriculture by main occupation and a higher tendency of education. The forestland were obtained small tract size and for most part of inheritance and planted crops as livelihood. Different demographic variables have significant difference in forest value orientation, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control. Whether on 「converting forestland into recreation」, 「understanding correlation rules」, 「desiring future management」, 「attending the related guidance activities of government」 or not, the behavior intention of private forest owners prefer agreement in Taichung county. The behavior intention model of private forest owners developed by this research has 59.4% predictability of varieties. The overall effects of this model in sequence are subjective norm, economical value orientation, perceived behavior control, personal value orientation, value orientation of social benefits and attitude these influenced behavior intention.
起訖頁 41-51
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200812 (30:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣地區歸化植物之侵略性評估系統建立
該期刊-下一篇 漂流木材積攔截量模式評估之探討




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