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Rare Plants of Wu and Tachia River Watersheds in Central Taiwan
作者 陳文民陳恩倫周文郅陳宗駿蔡佳育陳鳳華陳志豪 (Chih-Hao Chen)林聖峰陳明義 (Ming-Yih Chen)俞秋豐
烏溪流域與大甲溪流域位於台灣中西部,地形涵蓋海濱、平原、丘陵以至高山,兩流域總面積約3260平方公里。本研究在2003-2007年間以烏溪及大甲溪流域為範圍,進行植群分類與製圖,共調查495個樣區(每個400平方公尺),利用GPS記錄稀有物種座標位置,以GIS軟體整理物種分布,並參考相關文獻,建立烏溪及大甲溪流域稀有植物資訊,供保育之參考。本研究共記錄1028筆稀有維管束植物座標資料,合計有195種(含種以下分類群),分屬77科157屬,其中40種為蕨類植物,10種為裸子植物,145種為被子植物,被子植物中雙子葉佔114種,單子葉佔31種。 Wu and Tachia River watersheds are located in the middle of central western Taiwan. The topography includes seashore, plain, hill and high mountain. Total area of Wu and Tachia River watersheds is 3260 km^2. We investigated, classified and mapped the vegetation of these areas during 2003-2007. The data of 495 plots (400 km^2 each) were analyzed and the rare vascular plant information were established using GPS and GIS technologies. Totally 1028 rare plant locations were recorded. The rare plants consist of 195 taxa, belonging to 77 families and 157 genera. There are 40 pteridophytes, 10 gymnosperms and 145 angiosperms in which 114 are dicotyledons and 31 are monocotyledons.
Wu and Tachia River watersheds are located in the middle of central western Taiwan. The topography includes seashore, plain, hill and high mountain. Total area of Wu and Tachia River watersheds is 3260 km^2. We investigated, classified and mapped the vegetation of these areas during 2003-2007. The data of 495 plots (400 km^2 each) were analyzed and the rare vascular plant information were established using GPS and GIS technologies. Totally 1028 rare plant locations were recorded. The rare plants consist of 195 taxa, belonging to 77 families and 157 genera. There are 40 pteridophytes, 10 gymnosperms and 145 angiosperms in which 114 are dicotyledons and 31 are monocotyledons.
起訖頁 1-21
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200812 (30:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 Flaveria Bidentis (L.) Kuntze (Asteraceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan




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