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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Vegetation Classification and Mapping of Taitung Coastal Range |
作者 |
陳文民、陳恩倫、方國運、劉思謙、陳明義 (Ming-Yih Chen) |
中文摘要 |
本研究調查與分析台東海岸山脈之植群,並繪製植群圖,範圍含括秀姑巒溪以南,卑南溪以北,總面積約103, 000公頃。所調查到的維管束植物共有128科378屬591種,其中易受害等級的有7種;接近威脅等級的有5種;瀕危等級的有7種;嚴重瀕臨絕滅等級的有3種。就所調查的70個樣區資料分析植群結構,採用雙向指標種分析法(TWINSPAN)與降趨對應分析法(DCA)進行分析,按列表比較法,調整樣區及物種之排列順序,共歸納出共4個群團:錐果櫟群團、黃杞群團、澀葉榕群團、太魯閣櫟群團。依據分化指標種,錐果櫟群團再分出青剛櫟-錐果櫟群叢、長葉木薑子-錐果櫟群叢;黃杞群團分出紅皮-黃杞群叢、豬母乳-黃杞群叢;澀葉榕群團分出大葉楠-澀葉榕群叢、白雞油-澀葉榕群叢。與植群分布有高度相關之主要環境因子為地表裸露度、海拔高度、地形。本研究依樣區植群調查資料,參考前人文獻與林務局第三次台灣森林資源及土地利用調查資料,初步繪製植群圖供保育與經營之參考。
This research was conducted on the Taitung Coastal Range that extends from XiuguluanRiver to Peinan River. The total study area is about 103,000 ha. We recorded 128 plant families, 378genera and 591 taxa, in which 7 are vulnerable species, 5 are near threatened species, 6 are endangeredspecies and 3 are critically endangered species. 70 plots were set up and investigated for vegetation analysis and classification. Based on TWINSPAN, DCA and tabular comparison, 4 alliances and 7associations were recognized as follows:I. Cyclobalanopsis longinux ALL. includes :IA. Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Cyclobalanopsis longinux ASS.IB. Litsea acuminata-Cyclobalanopsis longinux ASS.II. Engelhardia roxburghiana ALL. includes :IIA. Styrax suberifolia-Engelhardia roxburghiana ASS.IIB. Ficus fistulosa-Engelhardia roxburghiana ASS.III. Ficus irisana ALL. includes :IIIA. Machilus japonica var. kusanoi-Ficus irisana ASS.IIIB. Fraxinus griffithii-Ficus irisana ASS.IV. Quercus tarokoensis ALL.In this area, soil bareness, altitude and aspect are the major environment factors significantlyassociated with plant distribution. Based on survey data, reference data and land use types of the thirdforest inventory, vegetation mapping of Taitung Coastal Range was made in this study. |
英文摘要 |
This research was conducted on the Taitung Coastal Range that extends from XiuguluanRiver to Peinan River. The total study area is about 103,000 ha. We recorded 128 plant families, 378genera and 591 taxa, in which 7 are vulnerable species, 5 are near threatened species, 6 are endangeredspecies and 3 are critically endangered species. 70 plots were set up and investigated for vegetation analysis and classification. Based on TWINSPAN, DCA and tabular comparison, 4 alliances and 7associations were recognized as follows:I. Cyclobalanopsis longinux ALL. includes :IA. Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Cyclobalanopsis longinux ASS.IB. Litsea acuminata-Cyclobalanopsis longinux ASS.II. Engelhardia roxburghiana ALL. includes :IIA. Styrax suberifolia-Engelhardia roxburghiana ASS.IIB. Ficus fistulosa-Engelhardia roxburghiana ASS.III. Ficus irisana ALL. includes :IIIA. Machilus japonica var. kusanoi-Ficus irisana ASS.IIIB. Fraxinus griffithii-Ficus irisana ASS.IV. Quercus tarokoensis ALL.In this area, soil bareness, altitude and aspect are the major environment factors significantlyassociated with plant distribution. Based on survey data, reference data and land use types of the thirdforest inventory, vegetation mapping of Taitung Coastal Range was made in this study. |
起訖頁 |
53-76 |
刊名 |
林業研究季刊 |
期數 |
200612 (28:4期) |
出版單位 |
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以原生植群移除嘉義布袋廢曬鹽場土壤鹽分之可行性探討 |
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