中文摘要 |
腰果楠為產於蘭嶼的瀕危植物,本研究利用一年生種子苗的頂芽及含節莖段在1/2MS添加2.5mg/L BA及0.5mg/L NAA兩星期可誘導芽體產生,產生芽體的莖段先在添加0.5mg/L BA及0.15mg/L NAA的WPM基礎培養基四至六週,再加入添加0.5mg/L BA及0.3mg/L NAA液體培養基雙層培養六週,可促進芽體抽長,再移至添加0.5mg/L BA及0.1mg/L NAA的WPM基礎培養基可促進發根,最終移入不含生長調節劑的WPM培養基一年,植株長至5-8cm移至瓶外可正常生長,本研究利用微體繁殖作為腰果楠物種保育的途徑之一。
Dehaasia incrassate (Jacks) Kosterm. (Lauraceae) is an endangerd tree species of theOrchid Island, located in the southeast of Taiwan. The shoot tips and nodal segments derived from 1-yroldseedling were induced for bud sprouting in MS semi-solid medium with macroelements at halfstrength and supplemented 2.5 mg/L BA, 0.5 mg/L NAA for 2wk. To shoot elongation explant wascultured for 4-6wk in WPM solid medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.15 mg/L NAA,followed by 6wk in double phase conditions (solid medium with a layer of liquid medium on the top)using the WPM supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA 及0.3 mg/L NAA in the liquid phase. Shoot wastransfer to WPM solid medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA for rooting.Seedlings followed transfer to plant growth regular free WPM solid medium for 1yr and grew up to 5-8 cm, then transplant to the greenhouse. The aim of the study was to development micropropagationprocedures for this endangered species to facilitate conservation. |
英文摘要 |
Dehaasia incrassate (Jacks) Kosterm. (Lauraceae) is an endangerd tree species of theOrchid Island, located in the southeast of Taiwan. The shoot tips and nodal segments derived from 1-yroldseedling were induced for bud sprouting in MS semi-solid medium with macroelements at halfstrength and supplemented 2.5 mg/L BA, 0.5 mg/L NAA for 2wk. To shoot elongation explant wascultured for 4-6wk in WPM solid medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.15 mg/L NAA,followed by 6wk in double phase conditions (solid medium with a layer of liquid medium on the top)using the WPM supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA 及0.3 mg/L NAA in the liquid phase. Shoot wastransfer to WPM solid medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA and 0.1 mg/L NAA for rooting.Seedlings followed transfer to plant growth regular free WPM solid medium for 1yr and grew up to 5-8 cm, then transplant to the greenhouse. The aim of the study was to development micropropagationprocedures for this endangered species to facilitate conservation. |