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Vegetation Monitoring of Litsea akoensis Hayata var. chitouchiaoensis Liao
作者 林弘基蔡尚惪黃健能林志銓黃立彥呂金誠歐辰雄
本研究調查竹頭角木薑子主要分布之美濃、甲仙與六龜等地區,除了解其族群結構,並探究其伴生植物及其生育地因子,冀能提供此一特有物種未來在保育研究與經營管理上之參考。本研究於植群調查時,設置10×25m2、20×25m2之長方形樣區,以監測其植群組成與分布之變遷,於2000-2001年設置9個樣區,包含美濃地區及甲仙地區;而2005年計有18個樣區,包含美濃、甲仙及六龜地區,共計調查紀錄維管束植物97科251屬369種植物,其中喬木107種,灌木59種,藤本85種,草本116種。又2000-2001年以及2005年植群調查中,多數樣區皆處於演替中後期階段。而2000-2001年美濃和甲仙二地區,以及2005年美濃、甲仙與六龜三地區植群之種豐富度指數多無顯著差異;另於植群變遷之比較結果發現,2000-2001年乃至2005年間植群歧異度亦無明顯變化,故可視為穩定之植物社會。 The population structure, accomplished plants and environmental factors of endemic Litseaakoensis Hay. var. chitouchiaoensis Liao, which growth in Meinong, Kasien and Leugue wereinvestigated in this study. The main goal of this study is to provide the useful and valuable references formanagement L. akoensis var. chitouchiaoensis in the future. To explore the change of composition anddistribution for vegetation, the quadrats with 10×25 m2 and 20×25 m2 were set up. We totally established 9 plots in Meinong and Kasien areas during 2000-2001. Besides, 18 plots were set up in Meinong, Kasienand Leugue in 2005. Based on the results of our investigation, 369 vascular plants belonging to 97families and 251 genera were recorded, in which there are 107 species of tree, 59 shrubs, 85 lianas, and116 herbs. According to results obtained in this study of 2 periods, including 2000-2001 as well as 2005,the flora of most experimental plots were in the middle or later succession stages. There is no significantdifference between the abundant species indices, which distributed in Meinong and Kasien areas in 2000-2001, and in Meinong, Kasien, and Leugue areas in 2005. Comparing the change of vegetation, diversitywas also similar at these plots during 2000-2001 and 2005, so those should be stable community.
The population structure, accomplished plants and environmental factors of endemic Litseaakoensis Hay. var. chitouchiaoensis Liao, which growth in Meinong, Kasien and Leugue wereinvestigated in this study. The main goal of this study is to provide the useful and valuable references formanagement L. akoensis var. chitouchiaoensis in the future. To explore the change of composition anddistribution for vegetation, the quadrats with 10×25 m2 and 20×25 m2 were set up. We totally established 9 plots in Meinong and Kasien areas during 2000-2001. Besides, 18 plots were set up in Meinong, Kasienand Leugue in 2005. Based on the results of our investigation, 369 vascular plants belonging to 97families and 251 genera were recorded, in which there are 107 species of tree, 59 shrubs, 85 lianas, and116 herbs. According to results obtained in this study of 2 periods, including 2000-2001 as well as 2005,the flora of most experimental plots were in the middle or later succession stages. There is no significantdifference between the abundant species indices, which distributed in Meinong and Kasien areas in 2000-2001, and in Meinong, Kasien, and Leugue areas in 2005. Comparing the change of vegetation, diversitywas also similar at these plots during 2000-2001 and 2005, so those should be stable community.
起訖頁 29-48
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200609 (28:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 Saccolabiopsis taiwaniana (Orchidaceae), a New Species from the Taiwan
該期刊-下一篇 台灣產饅頭果屬植物(大戟科)之分類研究




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