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Studies on Market Segmentation and Market Positioning of National Forest Recreation Area
作者 林喻東羅凱安蔡佺廷陳宛柔梁盛棟
若森林遊樂區要從事企業化的經營管理的方法之一,就是要從森林遊樂區的定位著手,而根據Kotler(1997)指出要從事市場定位,必須經過市場區隔化、選擇目標市場及市場定位的過程,本研究係探討阿里山、墾丁、奧萬大等三個中、南部地區的國有森林遊樂區的市場區隔與市場定位的問題,本研究以遊憩利益重視程度為區隔變項,以因素分析將遊憩利益重視程度萃取出7個構面包括:「休息體驗大自然及健身」、「遊樂區解說服務」、「住宿餐飲及特產販賣」、「行銷及遊憩體驗」、「氣象及動植物等生態資源」、「交通及休憩設施」及「有特色活動」等;以K-means集群分析法進行市場區隔將此3個遊樂區的遊客區隔為4個集群包括:「相對高重視各項遊憩利益集群」、「相對低重視各項遊憩利益集群」、「重視解說服務集群」與「重視有特色遊憩活動集群」,而4個集群的遊客人數分別為433、432、288與302人;此外,採用判別分析將4個市場區隔的35個遊憩利益重視程度建立出3個定位軸為:「接近自然體驗森林浴活動及解說服務定位軸」、「重視遊客住宿餐飲服務及觀察自然生態定位軸」與「參與有特色活動的定位軸」;最後,以遊憩利益表現(滿意度)來分析3個森林遊樂區遊客心目中的定位,阿里山接近自然體驗森林浴活動及解說服務定位、奧萬大在參與有特色活動的定位及墾丁在重視遊客住宿餐飲服務及觀察自然生態定位,都有相對較佳的表現。 One of the methods of business management of forest recreation area are engage in marketsegmentation and market positioning. The main purposes of this study focus on market segmentation andmarket positioning of 3 forest recreation areas, Ali-shan, Ou-wan-ta and Ken-ting. The study selects tourists’appreciate degree of benefit sought as variable of segmentation. Factor analysis is used to classifythe 35 variables into 7 constructs. The constructs are “experience natural environment and healthypurpose”, “interpretation service”, “food, lodging and buying souvenir”, “marketing and recreationexperience”, “observation of meteorology, animal and botany”, “traffic and recreation facility” and“distinctive activity”. K-meams cluster analysis is used to classify tourists of 3 recreation area into 4segments. The 4 segments are “segment of highly appreciate recreation benefit”, “segment of lowlyappreciate recreation”, “segment of appreciate interpretation service” and “segment of appreciateinstinctive activity”.The tourists’ number of 4 segments are 433、432、288 and 302 persons separately.The discriminant analysis is used to disciiminate the 35 variables into 3 axes. The axes are “axis of greenshower /interpretation”, “axis of food and lodge/ecological observation” and “axis of joining distinctiveactivity”. Finally, tourists' satisfying degree of benefit sought is used to analyize market positioning of 3recreation area. Ali-shan is apt to adopt “positioning of green shower /interpretation”. Ou-wan-ta is apt toadopt “positioning of joining distinctive activity”. Ken-ting is apt toadopt “positioning of food andlodge/ecological observation”.
One of the methods of business management of forest recreation area are engage in marketsegmentation and market positioning. The main purposes of this study focus on market segmentation andmarket positioning of 3 forest recreation areas, Ali-shan, Ou-wan-ta and Ken-ting. The study selects tourists’appreciate degree of benefit sought as variable of segmentation. Factor analysis is used to classifythe 35 variables into 7 constructs. The constructs are “experience natural environment and healthypurpose”, “interpretation service”, “food, lodging and buying souvenir”, “marketing and recreationexperience”, “observation of meteorology, animal and botany”, “traffic and recreation facility” and“distinctive activity”. K-meams cluster analysis is used to classify tourists of 3 recreation area into 4segments. The 4 segments are “segment of highly appreciate recreation benefit”, “segment of lowlyappreciate recreation”, “segment of appreciate interpretation service” and “segment of appreciateinstinctive activity”.The tourists’ number of 4 segments are 433、432、288 and 302 persons separately.The discriminant analysis is used to disciiminate the 35 variables into 3 axes. The axes are “axis of greenshower /interpretation”, “axis of food and lodge/ecological observation” and “axis of joining distinctiveactivity”. Finally, tourists' satisfying degree of benefit sought is used to analyize market positioning of 3recreation area. Ali-shan is apt to adopt “positioning of green shower /interpretation”. Ou-wan-ta is apt toadopt “positioning of joining distinctive activity”. Ken-ting is apt toadopt “positioning of food andlodge/ecological observation”.
起訖頁 15-33
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200606 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 光度與溫度對四種紅樹林苗木光合作用之影響
該期刊-下一篇 女性人員在現代林業上之定位與角色




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