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Structure and Litterfall Dynamics of Avicennia marina Stand at Anping Harbor
作者 范貴珠葉俊宏游皓鈞
本研究調查台南市安平港區海茄苳(Avicennia marina)之林分構造,並測定2003年8月至2004年7月之枯落物量變動情形。結果顯示幼齡林區、壯齡林區及老齡林區之樹高為3.4-3.5m,胸高直徑為5.8-8.7cm,林分密度則分別為9667、8000及4667株ha-1。保護區各月份不同種類之枯落物量均有顯著差異,以11月之275.6g m-2month-1最高,1年之總枯落物量為23.7t ha-1yr-1。枯落物組成份中以葉部比例最高(58.7%),其次為枝條(19.8%)及其他部分(17.8%),而繁殖體部分則佔較少(3.7%)。造成枯落物量變動之原因與生育地之氣溫及風速等環境因子並無相關。 The purpose of this study is to estimate stand structure and littlefall dynamics from August2003 to July 2004 of a Avicennia marina stand located at Anping Harbour in Tainan City. The resultsshowed that tree height of young, mature and old growth stand were 3.4-3.5 m, diameter of three areaswere 5.8-8.7 cm, and stand density were 9667, 8000 and 4667 tree ha-1 respectively. Monthly amount oflitterfall were significant different of this area, maximum litterfall occurred in November (275.6 g m-2month-1), total annual litterfall in Avicennia stand was 23.7 t ha-1 yr-1,. Leaf litter was the maincomponent for 58.7% of total litterfall. The 19.8% was branches, 17.8% was the remainder, andreproductive litter was only 3.7%, contained the lowest part. There were no corrections between litterfallamount and temperature and wind speed.
The purpose of this study is to estimate stand structure and littlefall dynamics from August2003 to July 2004 of a Avicennia marina stand located at Anping Harbour in Tainan City. The resultsshowed that tree height of young, mature and old growth stand were 3.4-3.5 m, diameter of three areaswere 5.8-8.7 cm, and stand density were 9667, 8000 and 4667 tree ha-1 respectively. Monthly amount oflitterfall were significant different of this area, maximum litterfall occurred in November (275.6 g m-2month-1), total annual litterfall in Avicennia stand was 23.7 t ha-1 yr-1,. Leaf litter was the maincomponent for 58.7% of total litterfall. The 19.8% was branches, 17.8% was the remainder, andreproductive litter was only 3.7%, contained the lowest part. There were no corrections between litterfallamount and temperature and wind speed.
起訖頁 1-14
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200603 (28:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 依RAPD標誌推論台灣杉屬之遺傳多樣性




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