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Integrating the Plot-data of Vegetation Survey
作者 邱清安呂金誠林鴻志曾喜育林育生
整合不同的植群調查個案之樣區資料是臺灣未來植群研究的重點工作之一。本文首先提出編製植群樣區調查原始資料之精簡格式,以「臺灣維管束植物編碼索引」做為植物編碼標準,藉由植群調查樣區資料轉檔程式,進行樣區植物之種類資料與測計資料的唯一碼賦予及格式轉換,同時製作植物名錄、檢核測計資料、合併樣區,藉以整合不同調查個案之樣區資料,並以極為適用的套裝軟體PC-ORD進行不同區域植群之整合分析。本研究之程序能加速完成植群調查樣區資料之建檔與分析,未來期能有助於臺灣植群圖之繪製,並與植群分布模型預測結果相比對。 Integrating the plot-data from the different survey cases will be the focal point of vegetation research in Taiwan. This study designed the simple-format for editing the raw plot-data, and developed a program that used the 'Index to Codes of Vascular Plants of Taiwan' as the standard coding file to specify the species' unicode and to transform the format of file. This program also could product the species list, check plants' measured data, and integrate the plot-data from different survey cases. The integrated plot-data, as the product of the transforming program, could be analyzed by PC-ORD. The procedure of this study could improve the compilation and analysis of vegetation survey plot-data. We expect the analyzed result from PC-ORD can facilitate Taiwan vegetation mapping and compare with the predictive vegetation model.
Integrating the plot-data from the different survey cases will be the focal point of vegetation research in Taiwan. This study designed the simple-format for editing the raw plot-data, and developed a program that used the 'Index to Codes of Vascular Plants of Taiwan' as the standard coding file to specify the species' unicode and to transform the format of file. This program also could product the species list, check plants' measured data, and integrate the plot-data from different survey cases. The integrated plot-data, as the product of the transforming program, could be analyzed by PC-ORD. The procedure of this study could improve the compilation and analysis of vegetation survey plot-data. We expect the analyzed result from PC-ORD can facilitate Taiwan vegetation mapping and compare with the predictive vegetation model.
起訖頁 47-62
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200512 (27:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 應用3S地球空間技術於植群空間分布型態之探討
該期刊-下一篇 氣候變遷與森林環境意識的探討




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