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A Study on the Relationship Between the Grass Fire and the Plants in the Dadu Mountain Area
作者 張集豪章錦瑜
在台灣火燒現象之觀察與研究主要針對森林火燒,而調查樣區主要集中於林務局各大林場及中興、台大實驗林,對一般低海拔丘陵地及荒廢之農耕地較無前人研究。而大肚山鄰近都會公園東側之山坡地原為台糖之農耕地,緊臨人口密集之台中市西屯區,在廢耕之後,每年平均火燒次數約一百起,面積從幾平方米到數十公頃皆有,雖大部份屬於地表火,但在都市開發,人與自然爭地的同時,這樣的火燒生態,已對附近台中市的居民造成某種程度的影響。本研究期望藉由火燒植群生態系之調查與火燒行為調查,探討火燒與植被分佈、微氣候、鄰接地域環境之關係。以做為未來生態綠化、防火植栽選種配置之參考。 The studies and observation on the phenomenon of fire burning in Taiwan are mainly by the way of investigating into the fire trace on the woodland administrated by the Forestry Bureau, or the experimental forests of the National Taiwan University and the National ChungHsing University. However, this kind of study is rarely focused on the hills of the low elevation or the wastelands. In the recent years, the average of the fire accidents occur on the hilly area of the Dadu Mountain, adjacent to the eastern side of Taichung Metropolitan Park and the Situn District of the crowded Taichung City and formerly the property of Taiwan Sugar Corporation, is more than one hundred every year and they usually destroy the area of the land from squares to several hectares. Though most of these accidents are the kind of ground fires, the threat to the ecology really has had great influence on the habitants of the Taichung City. Through this study of investigating into the ecological system of the firebreak and the trace of the fires, we can find out the relationship among the fires, the plants distribution, the microclimate, and the environment adjacent to the sample area. Furthermore, we can take it as a model for the future greening and the choice of the fire break plants.
The studies and observation on the phenomenon of fire burning in Taiwan are mainly by the way of investigating into the fire trace on the woodland administrated by the Forestry Bureau, or the experimental forests of the National Taiwan University and the National ChungHsing University. However, this kind of study is rarely focused on the hills of the low elevation or the wastelands. In the recent years, the average of the fire accidents occur on the hilly area of the Dadu Mountain, adjacent to the eastern side of Taichung Metropolitan Park and the Situn District of the crowded Taichung City and formerly the property of Taiwan Sugar Corporation, is more than one hundred every year and they usually destroy the area of the land from squares to several hectares. Though most of these accidents are the kind of ground fires, the threat to the ecology really has had great influence on the habitants of the Taichung City. Through this study of investigating into the ecological system of the firebreak and the trace of the fires, we can find out the relationship among the fires, the plants distribution, the microclimate, and the environment adjacent to the sample area. Furthermore, we can take it as a model for the future greening and the choice of the fire break plants.
起訖頁 1-10
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200412 (26:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 運用集群區隔模式於搭乘阿里山登山火車遊客之市場區隔研究




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