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Apply Single Image Multi-Processing Analysis Techniques to Evaluate Internal Bond Strength of Particleboard with Recycled Demolition Wood-Based Panels
作者 林翰謙黃金城
本研究係以杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook. var. lanceolata; China fir)粒片與各種商用合板(聚氯乙烯合成皮單面貼面合板、三聚氰胺樹脂單面處理塗裝之構造用合板及尿素膠製成之合板)經搗切作為解體材之粒片,分別依100/0,75/25,50/50 及25/75 等混合比製成相同密度之解體材粒片板,並切製成5 × 5 cm 試片,經由測定內聚強度後,使用自行設計之單一影像多層分析技術(single image multi-processing analysis, SIMPA: 含fade effective minus mode and fade effective plus mode)評估粒片板於破壞面之杉木及解體材內部膠合面積(internal bonded areas),並以接觸角儀測定杉木及視為解體材各合板表面之接觸角作對照,藉以分析解體材粒片板所組成粒片種類及混合比對內聚強度之影響。試驗結果顯示,所製成之粒片板中含較多解體材比者,經由SIMPA 技術得知其膠合面積較多,內聚強度較低,而較少者,則得到相反結果。另從杉木及各合板之接觸角試驗得知,杉木表面者為31.8°,聚氯乙烯合成皮單面貼面合板者為40.7°,三聚氰胺樹脂單面處理塗裝之構造用合板者為52.1°,尿素膠製成之合板者為41.1°,並知混合解體材比較多者,佈膠製板後之膠合性較差,故其內聚強度較低。因此應用SIMPA 技術及表面濕潤角試驗,能有效評估解體材粒片板破壞面之內部膠合面積大小與其膠合性能間之關係。 This study was used planer-shaving particles of China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. var. lanceolata; China fir) and various commercial boards: polyvinyl chloride single-overlaid plywood (PVCOP), structural plywood with single spread of melamine resin coatings (MSP) and plywood with urea formaldehyde resin adhesive (UFP) as particles of the recycled demolition wood-based panels (RDWP). The particleboards for various mixture proportions of China fir/RDWP (100/0, 75/25, 50/50 and 25/75) with a nominal density were manufactured individually. The specimens were cut into 50 mm squares and then the internal bond strengths were tested. The designed method of the single image multiprocessing analysis (SIMPA) including fade effective minus mode and fade effective plus mode was used for measuring the internal bonded areas in particleboard specimen. The wettability on these board surfaces of China fir and various boards was measured using contact angle meter. Both them were to evaluate the influence of mixture proportions of composed particles and the types of RDWP particles on bonded quality of particleboard. Results indicated that the more the mixture proportion of RDWP, the greater the internal bonded areas of RDWP and the smaller the internal bond strength. Moreover, using contact angle meter the results showed that the contact angle of board surface for China fir was 31.8°, PVCOP was 40.7°, MSP 52.1° and UFP was 41.1°. It is suggested that the more the mixture proportion of RDWP, the less the bond quality and the lower the internal bond strength obtained. Using the SIMPA to measure the internal bonded areas combined with contact angle measurements could provide an experimental data for referencing the internal bond state of RDWP particleboards.
This study was used planer-shaving particles of China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. var. lanceolata; China fir) and various commercial boards: polyvinyl chloride single-overlaid plywood (PVCOP), structural plywood with single spread of melamine resin coatings (MSP) and plywood with urea formaldehyde resin adhesive (UFP) as particles of the recycled demolition wood-based panels (RDWP). The particleboards for various mixture proportions of China fir/RDWP (100/0, 75/25, 50/50 and 25/75) with a nominal density were manufactured individually. The specimens were cut into 50 mm squares and then the internal bond strengths were tested. The designed method of the single image multiprocessing analysis (SIMPA) including fade effective minus mode and fade effective plus mode was used for measuring the internal bonded areas in particleboard specimen. The wettability on these board surfaces of China fir and various boards was measured using contact angle meter. Both them were to evaluate the influence of mixture proportions of composed particles and the types of RDWP particles on bonded quality of particleboard. Results indicated that the more the mixture proportion of RDWP, the greater the internal bonded areas of RDWP and the smaller the internal bond strength. Moreover, using contact angle meter the results showed that the contact angle of board surface for China fir was 31.8°, PVCOP was 40.7°, MSP 52.1° and UFP was 41.1°. It is suggested that the more the mixture proportion of RDWP, the less the bond quality and the lower the internal bond strength obtained. Using the SIMPA to measure the internal bonded areas combined with contact angle measurements could provide an experimental data for referencing the internal bond state of RDWP particleboards.
起訖頁 61-71
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200403 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 南投林區林火影響因子之探討
該期刊-下一篇 竹材在休閒遊憩上之應用




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